partners & new beginnings

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A/N : This is Indira's outfit
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I grabbed my stuff and walked out the cafeteria, and into the school's garden. It was relatively small, but it will do.

I pulled out my sketch pad and started to draw a rose that I saw in the garden.

I pulled out my sketch pad and started to draw a rose that I saw in the garden

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It was a nice fall day, and the breeze felt good against my skin.

I finished my rose, and put my sketch pad back in my book bag. I took my schedule out and looked at what I had next. Physics? Come on God, why must you torture me with the most uninteresting subject of them all?

"Need help?" A feminine voice chirped from behind me.

I turned around to see a tall brunette, with green eyes and a full face of makeup, smiling at me. I ought to be careful about here.

"No, I'm fine." I state firmly.

I'm honestly not trying to make new friends at this school, just stay to my self and get good grades.

She look taken aback by my response but held a fake smile anyway. "Oh okay, stupid." She said, and mumbled the last part.

I got up a brushed past her to my locker. I had a hard time opening it, but when I did I was happy to find that my locker was spacious. I put my books in from previous classes, and took out my books for the next period.

I turned around and bumped in to somebody, I immediately apologized "I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going and --" I stopped my rambling, and looked up to be met with a giant.

Okay, maybe I was over exaggerating, but come on I'm 5'2, what do you expect?

He was the boy, or should I say guy, from the café. His brown eyes bore into mines.

"It's really okay, I don't mind being bumped into by a beautiful girl." He smirked at me.

I hate it when guys smirk, it makes them look conceited and cocky. It's a turn off, so I started to walk away but he gripped my wrist, and stared at me.

But I'm not trying to stick around to hear what he has to say next, so I yanked my wrist from his grip and headed to Physics.

I head to the back of the classroom, and take a seat next to this boy. He had his head down, so I couldn't see his face.

Out of curiosity, I touched his hair. It felt soft and oily, but I guess he felt me touching him, he lifted his head and stared at me with his blue eyes.

"W-what are you d-doing?"  He stuttered.

"What do you mean? I'm touching your hair" I said, like its the most obvious thing in the world.

He was absolutely gorgeous. He had jet black hair and bright blue eyes, and creases in his eyes from smiling.

 I guess he noticed me staring and went from shy to cocky real quick

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I guess he noticed me staring and went from shy to cocky real quick.

"Quit checking me out." He teased.

"I-I was not c-checking you out" I stuttered.

"Yeah okay. " he said unconvinced.

Mr. Johnson walks in the class with perfect timing, and automatically starts lecturing us about kinetic and potential energy. He says we will be doing a project to depict images of these two forms of energy.

He starts calling names " Kiana and Thomas, Ethan and Nicole, Indira and Aiden, Dave and --" I stop listening after he said my name and Aiden's.

Who is Aiden? I thought to myself.

"I'm Aiden" the guy next to me explained, while he raised his hand.

" I said that out loud?" I asked.

"Yup. " he said in a bored tone.

"Unlike like your other classes" Mr. Johnson continued, "We will be working on these projects in class, but you also have the option to work with your partner outside of school."

I looked up from my note book and saw that the guy from the café, clenched his jaw and fists.

What's up with him? I thought to myself, making sure that I didn't say it out loud.

The bell rang and I gathered my belongings and was about to leave, but sat back down remembering I had to work out a project schedule with Aiden.

"Okay so what days would you like to work on the project afterschool." I asked.

"Everyday would be fine, so we can finish the project earlier, and revise it for any mistakes." He answered.

"Okay, starting tomorrow?" I questioned.

"Tomorrow is good, see you later Indy." he replied.

Nicknames already I see. I ignored his last comment and made my way to my car since almost all my homework was completed.

I got into my black 2015 Honda CVR and drove home.

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