first kiss & awkward calls

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A/N: New Chapter, kind of lengthy enjoy. 😘
I put some notebooks in my locker, while Aiden stood there observing me. He was quite the looker. He had jet black hair with crystal blue eyes and was very tall.

"You ready to go?" He asked.

"Yeah" I slightly smiled.

He put his hand and the small of my back, and that little gesture had me burning up. We walked out of the school and he opened the car door for me. We then headed to his house.

His parents weren't billionaires or millionaires, but I guess you could say they were wealthy. I walked into the house and was greeted with a middle aged woman grabbing my coat and scurrying away. That's odd. I decided not to say anything and continued to follow Aiden upstairs.

"Okay, so where do we start?" He asked looking adorable. I couldn't help but look at him as he was so gorgeous, that boy from the coffee shop had nothing on him. I snapped out of my thoughts, when Aiden began to wave his hand in my face.

"Earth to Indie." He said carefully and all while smirking, knowing why I was staring for so long.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"I said that I'll look up the video, while you take the notes." He repeated. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, let's start." I answered while blushing.

I wrote down each term on little index cards, while he went on YouTube and looked for videos related to our projects. My phone started ringing, so I picked it up.


"Good evening, is this Miss Indira Skye?"

"Yes, how may I help you?"

"There's been an accident involving your Mother and sister, there in the ICU currently..."

I didn't hear anything else as I dropped my phone and tears started streaming down my face.

"Indira, Indira? Indie! What happened?" Aiden asked full of concern.

I couldn't even answer him, as I would choke on my words. I kept shaking my head and brung my knees up to my chin. But not for long, as Aiden unraveled my position and engulfed me in a God sent hug. I wasn't exaggerating either. He smelled so good and his hug was warm and inviting, made me relax and gave me the strength to speak.

"My mother and sister got into an accident." I said, my voice almost inaudible.

That's all he need to hear before he scooped me into his arms and carried down the stairs and into his car. He started his car and headed to the hospital. I kept the side of my head against the window, and every now and then he would take a glance at me. The only thing you could hear in the car was my our breathing collectively, but it also keep me relaxed at the same time.

I ran to the front desk and asked the lady where my sister and mother were she told me their rooms. I ran as fast as my feet could take me. When I got to their floor I was stopped by a doctor with a sad and sympathetic look on his face. Why does he look like that?

"Miss Skye can I talk with you for a moment, in private?" He asked, nodding his head toward the end of the hall. I nodded and followed his trail.

"I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news but unfortunately your sister is in critical condition, from losing so much blood. But we were able to stop the bleeding. As for your Mother she is in a coma, we don't know if she'll wake up soon."He explained, then patted my shoulders twice and left.

I ran back to the waiting room, Aiden look at me, and without saying anything, he opened his arms and I ran right into them. I cried and I cried, it felt like everything was crashing down on me and the only thing that was keeping me together was him. After a few minutes of crying he pulled back, wiped a few tears away and kissed my forehead.

"What did he say?" He asked in a hushed tone.

"My sister is in critical condition, she loss a lot of blood." I stumbled upon my words, oh god, how am I going to tell Maddox?

I dialed his number, it rang twice and then he picked up.

" What's up D?" He answered. Don't ask me where he got that nickname from.

"Where are you?" I asked, honestly dreading this conversation.

"On my way to see Aaliyah, can this wait?" He said sounding annoyed.

"That would be a waste of-, never mind, could you come to the hospital it's about Aaliyah." I asked urgently.

There was a pause on the line, heavy breathing then the line went dead. I really don't know how I'm going to explain this to him.

He got here quicker than expected, and rushed toward me shaking my shoulders. He started bombarding me with questions. Aiden stepped closer getting a little anxious. "Hey! Back off man." He said with a hint of anger.

" You shut up!" He said in a dark tone, all while keeping his eyes on me and his fingers pointed at Aiden.

"Where's Aaliyah?" He asked. His eyes squinting at me waiting for an answer. I took a deep breath but no words would come out. So I just pointed a shaky finger at the door behind me and he went running in there. He stayed in that room for in hour just holding her cold hand. He then left the room, eyes blood shot red and taking a cigarette out to smoke.

"Maddox? Maddox." I yelled after him but he kept walking and when I turned the corner he was gone.

I went back to Aiden and chuckled humorlessly to myself.

"This is just great." I said out loud but more to myself.

Aiden pulled me to his side and laid my head on his shoulder. He kissed my forehead, for the 2nd time today. And hummed a song and I soon fell asleep in his arms.

--------------------------------------------------A/N: Woah! What a chapter, over 1000 words! That's a new record for me. Anyways Like | Comment | Vote , New chapter of Maddox Tomorrow.

How do you feel about Aiden and Indira's relationship? Aren't they the cutest.

Are you #teamethan or #teamaiden ?

Until next time, STAY GUCCI 💖
~ Goldtheezus

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