[ Act 1 ]

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It was a regular day, when Soraru, Amatsuki, Kashitaro, and Mafumafu gathered around at Soraru's apartment, recording a housou as they rammed their fingers through the controls, the game was loud, but their mouth was louder,

"Hey! Watch it!"

"Wait for me!"

"Shut it!"

Things like this were almost their routine on spending a holiday with each other, well, how could they do this if they're burdened with tasks? But for now, they decided to freshen up a bit, with games,

And it's not really freshening when they're yelling at each other like there's no tomorrow, but its a part of the fun too so why not?

"Mafu, take the gold coin," Soraru muttered, crackling his fist as they were tired and cramped from the constant clicking, "Aye," the younger replied calmly, but soon easily finished his task and caught up with the others, which unfortunately left Amatsuki screaming for help on the way right of the screen,

He was about to plead for help but the world was unfortunate enough to take one life from his character, which he groaned and frowned when he knew, "Kashitaro-san, mind helping me?" Amatsuki pleaded, swaying his character who was inside a bubble over Kashitaro's character, "Okay," Amatsuki grinned from ear to ear when he heard him reply, controlling the bubble to go down so he was revived in the matter of seconds,

As soon as Amatsuki revived, they arrived at the boss level, "Let's go," Mafu said, almost whispering from the thought of them re-doing the game if they couldn't beat the boss, it'd be a waste of time, yeah? Not to mention that they were already at the last stage without saving, the last time they did was probably when they were half-through,

Crackles and knuckles was heard beside Mafu, he glanced around and signaled his comrades to gear up, which they returned with a stiff nod, hard gulp and a indifferent hum, feeling satisfied with the answer, he clicked the button and opened the door,

They jumped and squished the enemy several times in milliseconds, throwing the nemesis away not only just several times, where they mastered the technique of running away while jumping in the process, but it seems that the boss's life wouldn't end, it kept reviving and reviving that these four players had given up and let the screen shows


Soraru merely sighed, putting down the controller in not-a-really-soft way, muttering a curse under his breath, careful not to let his friends hear him,

While Kashitaro stared, or maybe glared at the screen, making a face that no one could read, maybe annoyance? Anger? Disappointment? One of them,

Amatsuki, litteraly banged the controller, standing up, banging his feet in annoyance,

Well for Mafu, just say that he made inaudible shrieking noises while positioned his body to form and orz,

"We should've saved before!" Amatsuki protests, "Why would you even do a one game one save (idk) challenge anyway?!" He continued, putting his butt on the floor, sitting with his legs and arms crossed, with a pout on his face,

"I don't know, I just wanted to..." Mafu answered quietly, fiddling with his fingers as he diverted the gaze, "A- Anyway! We should try again! Right?" Mafu beamed, shaking his best friend's shoulder while doing so, "No way, we've been doing this for more than 3 hours, my eyes is watering and my arms are beyond tired," Soraru intercepted, resting the back of his head on the couch, closing his eyes to decrease the effect,

"But- We haven't beat the boss!" Mafu childishly whined and shook Soraru's legs, "Mafu-kun, there'll be next time, okay?" Kashitaro smiled, relieving Mafu from his desire to win, that he eventually calmed down and returned the smile, saying "Thank you" as a plus,

"Now what are we gonna do?" Amatsuki spoke, finally regaining his patience from minutes of banging things to the floor, fortunately not breaking a single one, "Don't know, talk?" Mafu pointed up his finger, tilting his head,

"Mnh, bore," Soraru commented, yawning and stretching his numb abdomen, "Then what? Can you think of a better idea?" Mafu pouted at him,


"Truth or dare! Call?"

Kashitaro almost yelled, while the other almost cringed at how cheesy the game is, butー

"Better than nothing, I guess?" Amatsuki turned his head around, relieving the tense,

"Mmh, 'kay then,"


"Let's go then,"


Edited @ 26.03.17

Truth or Dare // Soramafu [ Major Editing ]Where stories live. Discover now