[ Act 14 ]

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"And, of all places, you want to go here?" Soraru furrowed his eyebrown out of irritation, "Eh? Why not? You don't want to?" Mafu frowned, "It's not like i don't want to, but...we already went to Disneyland before, right? Why are we going there again?" Soraru said, he seemed annoyed,

"Eh...but..i just wanted to remember the times when we're together before.." Mafu smiled, making Soraru's heart race, "F-Fine, then.." Sorru looked away, the train that they two were riding suddenly accelerated, and slowed down, making the train's platform shook quite violently,

And there, where the lovey-dovey couple stood, they were standing side by side at first, but because of the violent shaking, Soraru shifted to protect Mafu from bumping to strangers, covering him made Mafu stepped back and pressed his back to the door, and Soraru accidentally moved into a pretty uncomfortable position,

"Th-Thank you.." Mafu looked down, "No, it's dangerous after all, someone weak like you is an easy target for everyone," Soraru explained and then sighed, "Hey! I'm not an easy target!" Mafu pouted, "You look easy because you're so cute," Soraru smiled, "Again with the 'cute' thing...i'm a man, you know," Mafu looked to Soraru, "Yeah, yeah, whatever you say,"

Soon, they both arrived at the station where they should get off,

The door is now closing~

They both got off and walked outside the station, and pretty much walked to the gate, "Finally, we're here!!! It's been a while! Right, Soraru-san?" Mafu looked backwards to Soraru, "Yeah, and quit your talking, you'll make our cover be blown!" Soraru covered Mafu's mouth who's hidden by a mask,

"N-Nkay.." Mafu mumbled through Soraru's hand, and then he finally let go, "Anyway, let's go in!" Mafu exclaimed, "Just keep your mouth shut," Sorru scolded, Mafu straighten up his back and responded with a nod,

They played and played until they were too exhausted to continue, and they decided to rest, "C-Could we go there? I'm kinda tired," Mafu pointed his finger to a random café, Soraru couldn't say no, he was already in his physical limit too, "Yeah, sure.."

They walked in and sat in the corner, so people won't recognize them,

That's...what they had planned, but,

"Mafu-kun?" a voice called, making Mafu shiver, "E-Eh? S-Soraru-san, i-i think somebody's calling me..." Mafu whispered as he tugged Soraru's sleeve, Soraru accidentally heard the voice too, "Just ignore it," Soraru said sternly,

"Psst, Mafu-kun! It's me! Amatsuki!" Amatsuki called, Mafu slowly turned to look, and it is Amatsuki who called, he gave a little wave and a smile, "A-Amatsuki-kun?" Mafu looked at him, "Yeah, it's me, were you surprised? Sorry," Amatsuki said, almost whispering, Mafu smiled and he looked the man sitting across Amatsuki, it was...Kashitaro?,

"K-Kashitaro-san?" Mafu lifted one of his eyebrows, he couldn't see much of his face because he was wearing an almost full-faced mask, "Yes, it's me, Mafu-kun!" Kashitaro said with a smile, Mafu looked at Soraru who was surprised too, and chuckled to himself,

"Aaah, what a relief, i thought our cover's blown!" Mafu smiled, and Soraru sighed in relief, "Hehe, and by the way, what are you guys doing here?" Amatsuki asked, "Eh? Uh...we're just hanging out!" Mafu pointed, "Eeeh, is that so? So you guys are out on a date?" Amatsuki smirked,

"Ugh...y-yeah, kinda..." Mafu looked at Soraru who was flushing red and looked away, "B-But, you guys are in a date too, right?!" Mafu exclaimed, "Uhh...yeah," Amatsuki flushed, "Ahahah! As expected of Angel Mafu! I'd know everything!" Mafu gave a peace sign, "Yeah, right," Amatsuki chuckled,

They talked with each other for a moment, until Amatsuki and Kashitaro decided to go home, "Then, we'll e off first," Kashitaro said with a smile, "Okay, be safe!" Mafu waved, while Soraru smiled and gave a little wave, now that they were gone, the atmosphere were pretty much frozen,

"U-Uh...should we go home, too?" Soraru offered, "Yeah, I guess!" Mafu smiled, they walked to the train station again, and got in the train, it was full as usual, but it'll clear up soon at a certain station, so they wouldn't mind,

At the same position, Soraru was covering Mafu, and actually Mafu found that pretty comfortable now, a guy suddenly bumped to Soraru, making Soraru put his two hands between Mafu to regain his balance, but their faces were too close, and Soraru gave Mafu a peck on his lips, he turned away to face the one who bumped into him, the stranger apologized, and Soraru gladly accepted it,

But, Mafu was maybe on his verge of death, he was blushing like a tomato, in fact,

Soraru looked at Mafu, who's looking down in embarrassment, "Wh-Why did you do that?" Mafu mumbled, "Just wanted to," Soraru smiled, "What if people saw us?!" Mafu looked around, "They won't be able to recognize us anyways," Soraru said, Mafu looked down again, unable to respond,

And again, a voice called him, "Mafu-kun?" the voice called, Mafu flinched, "Again?" Soraru hid his face and so as Mafu, "And Soraru-san?" The person put his hands on Soraru's shoulder, making him turn around an saw that it was Luz,

"L-Luz?" Soraru squinted his eyes, "Yeah, it's me," He smiled, "Ah, Luz-kun, don't give me a heart attack!" Mafu wailed, "Sorry, i must have startled you guys a bit," Luz laughed, "Not just a bit, you know!" Mafu said,

"Sorry, and...umm..." Luz looked down,

"What?" Soraru asked,

"I k-kinda saw you guys k-k-kissing.."


A/N :



*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Truth or Dare // Soramafu [ Major Editing ]Where stories live. Discover now