[ Act 33 ]

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"What do you mean by cooperating?" Luz asked, looking bewildered, "You don't get it, don't you? Umm...you see, you like that albino, and I want to take back my Soraru-san, and we both are against their relationship, so can we just sit here and bit our fingers?" Lon explained thoroughly, "Wait- umm...so you...like Soraru-san? And uhh...what can we do?" Luz asked back, still looking confused and unable to grasp the explanation, Lon sighed and shook her head, "Let me say it clearer, you like that Mafu, and I like Soraru-san, so both of us at least can do something to separate them," She explained again, "Oh! So you're saying that we should team up to separate them?" Luz said, making an 'Oh!' pose,

"Yes," she smiled, 'Finally...'

"Oh, okay but...isn't that kinda bad?" Luz said, started to re-think, Lon groaned loudly and smacked Luz's shoulder lightly, "Do you want albino-kun to go to you or not?!" Lon said irritatedly, almost breaking a fuse, "I-I want!" Luz responded shortly, looking more motivated than ever, "Good, then let's go somewhere to talk," Lon said, getting up to her feet, before Luz grabbed her sleeve, "Isn't it fine to talk here?" He asked, "Of course no, you dumbass! What will you do if they heard us!" Lon scolded, clearly annoyed,

"Oh, that's right," Luz chuckled a bit, "Just find a place," Lon said, looking around, Luz started looking too and found an almost hidden place near the wall, "Oh, how about there?" Luz pointed, "Hmm, there's fine," Lon said, stepping away, followed by Luz, the others were too lovey-dovey to each other that they had no interest to where they're going,

They reached that certain place and took a seat on the provided couches, "So firstly, I want to ask you some question, umm..."


"Luz-kun, do you have any feeling for Soraru-san?"

"No, I just want him to be away from Mafu-kun,"

"Hmm, then you like that albino and want Soraru-san away from him,"

"He's not 'that albino'! He's--"

"I get it, so if that's clear, let's talk about the plan,"

"Yes, but...are you really sure?"

"Of course I am! Why are you chickening out like that!"

"Okay, then"

"Ahem, you see..."


Soraru, Mafu, Kashitaro, Amatsuki, Luz and Lon walked to their rooms after they ate, as expected, no one got drunk from that light sake, Luz opened the door to hims room realizing that his room was next to Mafu's, "Mafu-kun, we're neighbors!" Luz called out to Mafu, who turned to him and smiled, "We are, huh," he giggled a bit, and it made Luz's heart racing, "I'm going to sleep, see you tomorrow," Mafu said as he opened and closed the door, not giving Luz a time to respond, "Yeah, see you..."


"Are we really doing this?" Luz asked again, tugging Lon's sleeve, "Yes. We. Are! How many times I said that already?!" Lon yell-whispered, pressing her cheeks on Mafu's door and and tried to listen to their voices, "B-But maybe Soraru-san isn't there!" Luz said again, "Haha, No way, he'll surely be inside this room," Lon chuckled, "How--", "Shhh...." Lon shushed, putting her index finger in front of her lips, Luz groaned, he gave up speaking, so he pressed his ear to Mafu's room, he tried to hear the voices


The voices were too faint to hear, before...


Lon and Luz separated their ears from the door, gaping their mouth,

Lon snapped out if her thought and smiled, "Haha...ahaha...ahahahhaha..." She started to let out scary laughing noises beside Luz, who's scared, Lon turned her head to Luz, "See? What did I told you? He'll definitely do 'something'" Lon said with a chuckle,

"Now let's stop them," Lon stood up looking determined, and at the same time, anger and annoyance,

"E-Eh?! We're not going in, are we?" Luz yell-whispered again, "Of course no! Why would I want to see them together?!" Lon said irritatedly, "Then- what are we going to do?" Luz asked, looking like he's about to give up, Lon put her hand on his chin, striking a thinking pose, and muttered a small 'oh',

"We can just disturb them from outside," Lon pointed her finger, "Like...what?"

"Try clearing your throat, or go in Soraru-san's room, or just talk loudly here," Lon said,


"AHEM!" Lon cleared her throat loudly, she walked to Soraru's room and stopped in front of his door, "Oh! Is Soraru-san here? I think I want to see you noooow~" Lon yelled, making some stomping sounds too to make it believable, then they heard some rattling sounds inside, Lon smirked as she slowly slid open Soraru's door,

"Soraru-saaaan?" Lon smiled as she peeked inside the room, it was dark so she turned on the lights, only to see Soraru sitting politely, keeping his head low, and Lon realized some flushes of red on his ears, "Oooh? Soraru-san?? Are you okaaay?" Lon asked, sounded a little cunning,



"Nothing, so can you please leave now?" Soraru looked up slowly,

Lon chuckled a bit and said, "Okay, I'll go but can I just tell you something?"


"Don't even try to find a time to be alone with that albino when i'm around,"

Soraru jolted a bit and clicked his tongue,

"Shut up and go away,"

"Haha, fine then, good night~"


A/N :

Okay this is so crappy orz

And yay! This is part 40! An you know what? I decided on the ending! And it's still sooooo long until that www

But tbh i'm getting lazy aaaaa give me motivation

See you next time!

Truth or Dare // Soramafu [ Major Editing ]Where stories live. Discover now