[ Act 21 ]

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"Soraru-san, i'll be going now!"

Soraru scrubbed his eyes and slowly tried to get up from his sleep, "H-Huh? Where?" He said with a yawn,

"What do you mean where? I told you yesterday, didn't I?" Mafu crossed his arms, lifting one of his eyebrows, Soraru peeked through a small gap in his eyes and scanned Mafu's attire for today, it's rather...fancy,

"I forgot?" Soraru laid back down, "Geez, i'm meeting up with Amatsuki-kun and Luz-kun to continue our meeting yesterday!" Mafu grabbed his bag and opened the door,

"Have a safe...wait, Luz?" Soraru gasped and hurriedly got up and grabbed Mafu's hand, which made him kind of scared, "Eh? Wh-Wh-What?" Mafu flinched,

"Did you just said that you're going with Luz?" Soraru asked, and he was replied with a silent nod, "With Luz?!" Soraru raised a tone, "Uh, yes...why?" Mafu tilted his head to the side, not understanding what Soraru just said,

"D-Don't you remember what I said yesterday?" Soraru asked again, followed with a 'Oh, but he was drunk...' thought in his head,

"Yesterday? Umm...I guess I went drinking?..and I don't remember anything at all after that," Mafu answered awkwardly, "Really? Now I have to tell you lots..." Soraru sighed and let go of Mafu's hand,

"Hmm? Did something happened yesterday?" Mafu closed the door, putting his bag away and sat on the bed, "Uh...you went home after you drank...and you were drunk, and when You slept facing the opposite side from me, I saw a red mark on the back of your neck," Soraru explained, pointing to Mafu neck, the albino hurriedly stood up and checked the back of his neck from the reflection in the mirror, it's faint but it still can be seen, a tiny red mark,

"WH-?! Wh-Who gave me this?!" Mafu tried to scrub it, "It was...Luz.." Soraru frowned as he spoke, "Luz-kun?! But why- I-I thought YOU left these!" Mafu panicked, "We haven't done it recently, and yesterday, you said that Luz touched the back of your neck," Soraru explained,

"Wh- Why would he do that?!"

"How should I know?"

"Eeeeh?! B-But- uuuh..."

"So that's why, I don't want you to go to him right now,"

"B-But...I still can't believe he did this to me! H-He's a good guy!"

"But didn't he had feelings for you? Or should I say 'he still have'?"

Mafu let out a small groan as he shrank back, looking down in disbelief, "B-But maybe if I talked about it today, he'll tell us the reason!" Mafu blurted out, avoiding Soraru's question from before, "It's too dangerous, I don't believe him anymore," Soraru hugged Mafu,

"But..I-I'm not a girl, you know! I can protect myself!" Mafu smiled confidently, trying to make Soraru believe in him as he pushed him away, "But what if-"

"It's okay, Soraru-san!"

Soraru sighed, "Okay then,"


He said that, but I guess he was too curious about what will happen if he left Mafu alone with Luz, so he decided to tail them, he followed Mafu to a certain Café and secretly took a seat near the other's table,

Luz and Amatsuki was already there, he saw Mafu bowing several times before sitting in his seat, he saw Luz too, sitting next to Mafu, and he clicked his tongue when he saw the scene,

He stared more, he didn't know what he did, but he saw Mafu looking around suspiciously, Soraru hurriedly looked back to his drink, with a sweat dripping even on this chilly day, but thank god he had wore some coat and mask to conceal his usual appearance,

He glanced at Mafu again, now he's talking like usual, he sighed in relief,


Soraru was checking on his phone before he heard clattering noises on the table he was spying on, he flinched a bit when he heard a yelp, he slowly turned his gaze to the three, and saw Amatsuki hugging Mafu, lifting him a bit,

Soraru squinted his eyes, looking irritated, but he let go after a few moments, Soraru was starting to feel in peace again before Amatsuki pushed Mafu to Luz, which Luz succeeded to catch him,

With their faces separated by only some inches,

Mafu tried to pull back, but Luz hugged Mafu from behind, and their faces are getting closer, closer,

And closer-

Mafu shrieked a bit when he felt someone tugging his collar from behind, he turned slowly and saw an irritated Soraru, "S-Soraru-san?" He asked, with his face showing some tints of red,

Soraru said nothing and glared at Luz, giving a 'let go' kind of glare, Luz felt chills through his bones and slowly let Mafu go,

"S-Sorry?" Luz said quietly, still quite intimidated of Soraru, "Don't ever come near Mafu again," Soraru said and tugged Mafu's arm and his body out,

Mafu shouted Soraru's name several times, but Soraru didn't mind him at all, so he stopped to prevent anyone to know that the famous utaite, Soraru is there, instead, he lofted one of his eyebrows and frowned all the way,

Soraru got into his front door, opening it rather harshly, they didn't have to ride on any transportation to go back, because the café is only blocks away from Soraru's apartment,

Truth or Dare // Soramafu [ Major Editing ]Where stories live. Discover now