[ Act 22 ]

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"Why did you do that?" Mafu said in a quiet voice as he locked the door, making a slight clicking sound, "What do you mean why? Isn't it my job to protect you?"

"For what? I told you that you don't need protect me,"

"You can't even protect yourself, how can I not protect you? You didn't even know that he was going to kiss you,"

"Are you saying that i can't protect myself?! And kissing me?! Why are you assuming things like that?!"

"It's obvious that he was going for it, he didn't even let go when you tried to pull back, did he?"

"Luz-kun is nothing like that! Maybe he's just...just-"

"Oh, so you're on his side now?"

"Wh- I'm not on anyone's side! I'm on my own side!"

"Then why are you covering him? Isn't he the one who caused this?"

"No. You are. You didn't have to make it this exaggerated,"

"Why am I in fault? And what do you mean exaggerated?"

"He just leaned close to me! He didn't mean to kiss me!"

"How can you know? Can you read his mind?"

"I know it because Luz-kun is a good guy!"

"How much good can a guy be, he won't forget his feeling about someone, would he?"

"He said he gave up on me!"

"Well, do you think he'll give up so easily?"

"That's enough!"

"You've ran out of excuses? You can give in and admit i'm true anytime,"

Mafu tensed his face up, and threw a slap on Soraru's face,

"I'm going home!!" He shouted as he slammed the door opened and left it opened, Soraru frowned a bit, just for a moment, Soraru saw Mafu's eyes, which is dripping tears down to his cheeks,

He felt a little guilty,

But no.

'It's his fault for being this carefree,'


Mafu walked fastly through the streets, wiping his tears every several seconds, it just won't stop,

'Why would he say that?!'

Mafu clenched his fist, feeling like punching something now, but he hurriedly walked to the train station and got into the arriving train that was coincidentally passing his stop,

He took a sit on the corner, where no one could see his face, which is probably really messy right now, just as messy as his heart is,

He had mixed feelings, but mostly, it's anger, confuse, and to cry,

He wished that he could have someone who would pat his back, who will comfort him when he cried, which Soraru was the one who has been fulfilling that wish since a long time ago,

Mafu's tears dropped at the tought,

They had fights, but not this big, Mafu didn't even thought that it would be this big, he felt guilty, he wanted to apologize, but he didn't want to admit that Soraru was right,

Mafu couldn't catch Soraru irrational judging, he knew that Soraru was just trying to protect him, but he didn't want to be protected, it'll make him feel weak, instead of loved,

If he could explain, he would want to protect each other backs, he also wanted to protect Soraru, he didn't want to make Soraru burdened by him, he didn't want to make Soraru mad, neither to say anything like earlier,

But couldn't it anymore, if he could just explain slowly, thoroughly, he knew that Soraru would accept it,

"Next station, ____ station; Next station, ____ station,"

Mafu took a deep breath as he wiped the tears away, he slightly slapped himself to cheer up, but it didn't help at all, he was still about to cry, to scream, to shout all the frustration he kept along the way,

But he had to endure it, at least, until he's home,

Mafu looked down on his way home, he didn't even bothered if he bumped to anyone, he ignored all of it, some were yelling at him, but he didn't respond, so eventually, they'll leave him alone,

He staggered to the hallway to his room, he rummaged his pocket for the key and opened the door, he stepped in and close the door beside him,

He slowly walked into the bedroom and laid himself down on top of it, tears started to form again, he couldn't endure it anymore,

He cried,

He screamed,

He shouted,

He did everything that he endured a while ago, he closed his eyes, not wanting for tomorrow to come, he curled himself up with a blanket,

And slowly drifted to sleep,



Mafu's phone vibrated next to him, he was up, but he didn't want to be up, he closed his eyes again,


But his phone is saying the opposite thing, it's telling Mafu to wake up and read some messages who came in earlier,

Actually, it started coming since yesterday, after Luz did some things to Mafu, after he slapped his lover, and after he managed to sleep, but he ignored all of them,


'It's so annoying...'

Mafu frowned and grabbed his phone, almost 100 messages came, and only the quarter of it was related to his job, the rest was from Amatsuki, Luz, and...


Mafu irked a bit when he saw that, there was only a brief preview shown on the lock screen, and it says

'Let's -'

'Lets?' Mafu thought, he got curious and unlocked his phone, he opened the message and saw

Sender : Soraru-san
Title : -

Let's break up


A/N :


Sorry for the long conversation lines in the early pages,

So i tried putting Soraru's possessiveness for the conflict part? It makes me fired up to continue this! So i'll post 2 parts today! (Actually it's past 12 o'clock but weeellll....)

See you soon!

Truth or Dare // Soramafu [ Major Editing ]Where stories live. Discover now