[ Act 39 ]

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"Was that a 'yes'?" Soraru said, gasping a little, "Is it that surprising? You don't even have to wait for me to answer," Mafu answered shakily as he felt tears pent up in his eyes and slid through his cheek slowly, he sobbed quietly,

"A-Are you crying?! W-Wait! Y-you're suppose to be happy, so don't cry," Mafu giggled a bit as he thought that it was rare for Soraru to lose his cool for something like proposing to his lover, "B-Because...y-you" Mafu said between sobs, "You finally said...it," Mafu jumped on Soraru, hugging him tightly, "Yeah, sorry for waiting so long," Soraru smiled as he caressed Mafu's cheek,

Mafu laughed quietly, but he sniffed and sobbed afterwards, "Hey, stop crying," Soraru pushed him slightly so he can see Mafu's face, but as expected, he was hiding it, "I-I was scared...th-that maybe your feelings for me were gone! Th-that you would...d-dump me...again..." He bitterly laughed, "No, why would I? I'm regretting that and I can't get over it even until now," He looked down, Mafu gritted his teeth as he shook his head a little,

He reached out his hand to touch Soraru's cheek as he flinched, Mafu told him to look up and he complied, looking guilty as ever, "Let's...just forget about that, and focus about this," Mafu smiled, taking the box of ring from Soraru's hold,

"My answer's yes, so would you?"

Mafu handed out his hand and held the box with the other hand, gesturing Soraru so he'll put on Mafu's ring, the he smiled, taking the ring, he kissed Mafu's hand before saying,

"My pleasure,"

He shoved the ring in, and it was undoubtedly the perfect size for Mafu, he giggled, "Thank you," he held Soraru up from his kneel and hugged the figure, the smell of him just made Mafu fell in love all over again, "I love you, so much," Mafu closed his eyes,

"Yes, me too," Soraru cupped Mafu's cheek before planting him a short kiss on his lips


"Mafu, was that the last?"

"No, I think there's more outside!"

"Really, just how many things do you have in your room?"

"Haha, lots, maybe,"

It's the moving day, as you have read on the previous conversation, Mafu' finally decided to move over to Soraru's room like he offered many moments ago,

Soraru sighed as he stared at the big, sturdy box in front of him, he bundled up his strength before taking hold of its both sides and tried to lift it, which of course, he failed to do, he groaned as he wiped off his sweat with a towel around his neck,

"How to move this..." He scrunched his eyebrows, "Do you need any help, Soraru-san?" Just like it was timed, Mafu appeared out of nowhere and stood beside Soraru, "No...actually, could you help me with this?" He said, tried to hide it before, but well, let him help,

"Okay, leave it to me! I'll handle the left side, so can you please lift the right side?" Mafu offered as he took grip on his part, "Okay," he responded and did the same, they counted together before lifting it into the room and placed it near the living room,

"That was...heavy..." Mafu commented as he shook his hand to relieve the tense, "What's in it anyways?" Soraru asked, doing the same thing as Mafu, "My speakers," Mafu replied immediately, "Huh? Why would you bother bringing those when I already have plenty?" Soraru raised his tone, "Eeeh? But isn't it a waste to just let it go?" Mafu whined,

"Whatever," Soraru flumped into the sofa, relieving the tense he built in his muscles, "Been a while since I've used my muscles," Soraru commented as he massaged his arms lightly, "Hehe, sorry for that," Mafu giggled and cuddled beside him, "But now that we've got things sorted, we can finally live without problems, right? At least not that soon," Mafu said as he planted a kiss on the raven's cheek,

"Yeah," he smiled, putting the palm of his hand on top of Mafu's locks,

"Just thinking of it makes me happy," Mafu took hold of Soraru's hand and pressed it to his cheek, "Oh," Mafu blinked as the thought came up,

He stood up in front of Soraru, smiling a bit childishly, then he suddenly bowed to Soraru, "Please tale care of me from now on," he said, Soraru stood up, following Mafu's bow, he said, "Likewise,"


A/N :

I'm about to end this story, yeah,

Sorry for not updating, or even not showing up for weeks? I didn't even show up on twitter, nor line ww I don't think that I'm that busy, I just didn't felt like it?

See you next time, then!

Truth or Dare // Soramafu [ Major Editing ]Where stories live. Discover now