[ Act 11 ]

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And thus, Mafu told everything about himself and his relationship with Soraru, Amatsuki did felt a little disappointed that Mafu haven't told him before, but he knew that there are secrets that they each can't tell each other, so he tried to be accepting,

"Umm, sorry for this sudden question..."

"What? What?"

"D-Did you guys do it?" Amatsuki blushed a little, so as Mafu, it made a little silence,

"W-We did...several times.."

"Y-Y-You did?!"

"Yeah..." Mafu turned redder by seconds,

"I-Is that so? S-Sorry for the embarrassing question and thank you for answering!" Amatsuki smiled to hide his flustered actions, "S-Sorry, i'm disgusting aren't I? I know if you don't want to friends with me any-", "No! I still want to be friends with you! Just..umm..." Amatsuki looked away,

Mafu smiled as response, "Thank you for being my friend," Mafu said, Amatsuki showed a little guilt on his face, "M-Mafu-kun, you know? I..uhh...have something that i haven't told you before..." Amatsuki looked down, "What?"

"I-I'm dating Kashitaro-san"

Mafu froze a bit, "Y-You what?"

"I-I'm dating Kashitaro-san..."

"Eh? Mashumaro-san? (Marshmallow)" Mafu misheard on purpose he couldn't believe the face that Amatsuki was dating Kashitaro,

"Ka-shi-ta-ro-sa-n!" Amatsuki repeated clearly, Mafu was still freezing, "Sorry i haven't told you before, too..." Amatsuki said with a little laugh, but Mafu said none, he was still catching up moments, "You're dating Kashitaro-san?!" Mafu backed up, in disbelief,

"You're reaction is way to slow!" Amatsuki hid his face, "W-Well I-I couldn't believe it, so i was still catching up, and by the way please tell me about it!" Mafu sounds a little more energetic than before,

"Okay, j-just don't tell anyone..." Amatsuki pointed his index finger in front of his mouth, "Okay!" Mafu smiled,

They talked and talked until the café was about to close, so they had no choice but to step outside too, and soon, they decided to end the meeting and go home to their home,

Mafu was humming at the side of the road, and thought of something, 'should i stay in Soraru-san's home today too?' Mafu thought, 'I guess i should! I want to see how surprised he could be too!' Mafu smiled to himself for his nice thinking,

After that, he really did went to Soraru's apartment and he rang the bell, "Soraru-san?" Mafu rang it a several times more, and also knocked and tried to call Soraru, it was nothing before he heard someone being grumpy inside, because he heard some cursing noises,

Soraru opened the door and said, "Who the fuck is coming this damn late!" Soraru scratched his head and looked down, followed with a yawn, ignoring the person standing in front of him, and he slowly lifted his head, with a little tilt, and of course with his annoyed face, though it softens after seeing the other's face,

"Hi, Soraru-san! Sorry for coming so suddenly..." Mafu smiled in a little guilt, "N-No..." Soraru excused Mafu inside his house, "Were you sleeping?" Mafu asked as he hung up his coat and sat next to Soraru who is still sleepy and laid himself down in the sofa, "No, i was working on some mixing..." Soraru yawned again, "Shouldn't you be sleeping soon? It's already late..." Mafu smiled,

"Yeah...and before that, i want to know what are you doing in my house at this late hour...were you hanging out outside? At this hour? It's dangerous you know..." Soraru patted Mafu's head, "Nh...sorry, i just want to see you as fast as i can," Mafu smiled as he slowly laid down beside Soraru, "What happened?" Soraru closed his eyes,

"Nothing..." Mafu hugged Soraru, "Where were you?" Soraru asked, "I was out with Amatsuki-kun..." Mafu said as he snuggled with Soraru, "Hmm...i wanna sleep, let's go to bed," Soraru slowly stood up and so as Mafu, "But I still want to talk to you, can we talk in bed?" Mafu clung to Soraru, "Fine..." Soraru responded lazily,

As they approached the bed there were no words spoken, i guess they were too tired to speak, Soraru opened his room's door, tidying up his music equipments and jumped to the bed, followed by Mafu, "What do you want to talk?" Soraru asked as he yawned, "I...told Amatsuki-kun that were dating..." Mafu closed his eyes, "Huh?! Why would you do that?!" Soraru raised his voice, but he was too tired to make it a shout,

"But in exchange, he told me his secret too!"

"What secret?"

"Ehehe, you know-"

Mafu's words were cut off by his ringing phone, he immediately grabbed it and answered it, it was Amatsuki, "Hello, Amatsuki-kun? What's wrong?" Mafu asked, and he heard some arguing noises from the other side,

'Wh-Wait! I-I'm calling Mafu-kun right n- mnn...'

'Then just turn it off'

'Hmm?' Mafu thought, he heard a voice other that Amatsuki, and it seems that his words last time were cut off and muffled, "Amatsuki-kun? Are you okay?" Mafu asked once again, leaving the curious Soraru alone, "Turn on the speaker! I want to hear too!" Soraru grabbed Mafu's phone and turned on the speaker,

'Wai- M-Mafu-kun, I-I'm...ugh..'

'Turn it off already...''


The phone call ended, they two were looking at each other with confuse, "W-Was that...I-It's..Kashitaro's voice, right?" Soraru stuttered, Mafu blushed in response, "A-Are they going out?" Soraru asked again, Mafu nodded slowly, "He told me just now in the café..." Mafu became redder,

"Huuh...so they're together now..." Soraru closed his eyes again, "Yeah, i guess..." Mafu said as he put his phone on the table next to the bed, "You know? Hearing them doing it makes me want to do it to," Soraru said as he hugged Mafu, "Eeh?! I'm tired, i'm sleepy, i'm lazy, i want to sleep, i'm too tireeed..." Mafu whined as he struggled away, Soraru sighed, "Fine...just give me a good night kiss..." Soraru twisted Mafu around to look at him,

"Yes, yes," Mafu gave a peck on Soraru's lips, "Thank you," Soaru said with a smile,




A/N :

Added some Kashitsuki there!!!

Hope you like it!

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