Chapter 10~ First Time For Everything

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It's been 2 weeks since Louis asked me to live with him and be his girlfriend. Liam took me back home so I could talk to mum about it properly. Surprisingly she allowed it. So now I'm in London living with Louis and Harry. There has been a few photos of Louis and I in magazines, a few reports on the news aswell. Liam and Danielle had sorted out the problem with the report about me and Liam possibly dating. I swear that has got to be the biggest load of shit I've ever heard. It was hard saying goodbye to all my friends, but it feels good to move away from the usual and start a new beginning. I'm falling in love with Louis even more each day. Louis woke me up this morning with the best back tickles I've ever had! That lead to a makeout session of coarse. Harry cooked breakfast as usual and now Louis and I are taking a walk to the park. I sat on a swing and Louis started pushing me.

'Not too high Louis you know I get scared easily!' I shouted at him.

'Sorry babe' he stopped me swinging and gave me a sweet kiss. My phone started buzzing, Louis took it out of my bra and handed it to me. I looked at the screen to see my best friends name pop up.

"Hiba oh my god hey!!" I squeeled.

"Hey Rylea how are you!?"

"I'm great, what are you up to?" Louis started pushing me again so I jumped off and sat on a bench. Hiba and I had a great conversation and decided to make plans to meet up. Louis suggested we fly her up to London so she can stay for a week. Hiba is from Israel and we have never actually met, we started talking on Facebook and found each other through the 1D fandom. I can't wait to meet her. Louis and I walked back to the apartment to see Harry sprawled out on the middle of the table. What the hell? Was he drunk again? Louis stopped and stared for about 30 seconds so I thought I'd go see if Haz was okay.

"Harry? Wake up. Are you okay love?" I shook him until I saw his eyes flutter open, his green orbs flushed with red. Was he crying?

"Harry mate sit up c'mon" Louis came over and helped him off the table and sat him down.

"Sorry guys, I'm okay trust me. I just got a bit sick and the table was cool so I thought I'd lay on it" Harry finally spoke up.

"We're you crying?" I asked

Harry stood up and started walking slowly away.

"I don't want to talk about it. I'm going to bed, night guys".

Louis and I looked at each other and shrugged. I looked at the time and saw it was 5:30. What? I guess being across the other side of the world really messes up your time and brain.


I decided I'd get the other boys over for dinner, I haven't seen them in 2 days. I've been unpacking my stuff and getting to know the city while the guys were working.

"How are you settling in love? Louis being too harsh on you yet?" Liam asked.

"Uhh no Liam no. I'm settling in fine"

"Liam why do you always have to ask if she's okay? She's fine. Right?" Niall butted in. I just nodded and kept eating. Harry finally woke up and came an sat at the table.

"Oh Harry, my friend Hiba is coming tomorrow, is it okay if she shares your room with you? I don't really want to make her sleep on the couch. There's a spare mattress around here somewhere right?" I asked Haz. He just nodded, not saying a word. I think he's still tired, I'd better ask him again later when he's awake properly. Louis elbowed me in my side so I slapped his arm. He pushed his chair out and grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder. I saw all the rest of the boys laughing and pointing while I was screaming and hitting Louis' back. We got through a door and Louis shut it behind us. Nek minut (hehe sorry I had to!) I'm on the bed with Louis towering over me. I heard Harry telling the other boys to get shoes on because they were going for a walk. As I heard the front door shut behind them Louis started jumping on the bed. I laughed hysterically while Louis made faces as he jumped. I pulled his legs and he fell ontop of me.

"Rylea can I ask you something?"

"Yes of coarse".

"Umm, are you a virgin?" Louis looked down awkwardly then looked back into my eyes.

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, I love you"

Oh god. I've never said I love you to a guy in person before. The reason being is because I want to wait until I find the guy I really do love. And you know what? I do love Louis.

"I love you too Louis" I kissed him on the cheek and he blushed.

"Do you trust me babe?" He asked softly.

"With everything I have".

"Would you make love to me? Tonight?"

My heart stopped. I love Louis and I trust him. Do I want to do this right now? Why not? He's perfect. This moment is perfect. I said I love you to him.

"Yes" I answered quietly. This was it. The big moment.

🌸This chapter and the next one is dedicated to my friend Hiba. She's absolutely amazing, I love her so much. She was co-writing a story but I don't think she is anymore, so she's decided to write one herself. I think it's going to be a Larry one. I'll keep you posted guys xxx don't forget to vote, share and comment what you think :) love you Mofos

P.s I decided to call you readers Mofos. Xoxo

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