Chapter 12~ welcoming Hiba

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Louis and I sat at the table eating breakfast quietly. I looked up at Louis and he looked at me. "Are you okay babe? You're blushing", he asked softly. I looked down at my plate and my face went hot. I shook my head and put in another mouthful. I kept getting flashbacks from the night before and I ended up smiling like an idiot every time. My thoughts were interrupted by Harry leaning his chin on my head and wrapping his arms around my shoulders from behind me. I gave a weak smile and looked over at Louis who didn't seem so happy. I patted Harry's arm and he let go. "Good morning guys", he greeted while walking over to Louis, shaking his hand. "Morning", Louis answered. While Harry went and made his breakfast, I stood up and took Louis' hand and led him to the hallway.

"Is everything okay Ry?" Louis had a confused look on his face.

"Yeah I'm great. You just didn't seem so happy when Harry hugged me".

Louis shrugged. "Yeah well I didn't like it. You're mine and I don't want anybody else to touch you like that. Especially after the incident the other night".

"I understand Lou. I love you". I smiled.

"I love you too Rylea". Louis pulled me in for a right hug and we walked back to the dining room where Harry was eating. Louis told Haz to hurry up because they needed to go back to the recording studio for a meeting. I remembered that I had to pick Hiba up from the airport in an hour so I had to get going. Louis offered to drop me off so off we went. Harry sat in the back typing away on twitter, while I was holding Louis' hand. My phone buzzed with a twitter notification. I opened it up an saw Harry had posted a picture of Louis and I's hands intertwined.

'On the way to the airport to greet a friend of Rylea's. having to look at this on the way. Jealous much x'

I looked back at Harry and slapped his leg, not too hard though. He just laughed. We pulled up at the front doors of the airport, I leaned over and kissed Louis sweetly.

"You're going to be alright getting home?" He asked. I nodded my head and gave him another kiss. Harry moved his arm between our faces and twisted around giving me an awkward hug. I let go and got out of the car and headed towards the gate where Hiba was meeting me. I searched through the crowd when I got there and finally caught a glimpse of her.

"Hiba!!! Over here! Hiba!!" I yelled out to her. She turned around and saw me. We both screamed and ran to each other, pulling in to a massive hug. We both started crying with happiness, overwhelmed by the thought we have finally met. We pulled away and stared at each other for a minute.

"Hi", I said, a bit out of breath.

"Hahaha hey!" She giggled.

"C'mon lets go, you're going to love the apartment. You're going to have to share a room with Harry though. I hope you don't mind?" I informed her.

"God really?! Oh wow I don't mind at all. What if he doesn't like me?" She hesitated. I shook my head and led her out the doors, waving down a taxi.


We got to the apartment and I helped Hiba with her bags. I unlocked the door with the key Lou had given me and showed Hiba to Harry's room. To our surprise, Harry was asleep on his bed. He was supposed to be at the studio? I placed Hiba's bag in the corner and she did aswell. I walked over to his bed and shook him softly. He stirred and sat up.

"Harry what are you doing home?"

"I had to leave early. I wasn't feeling so good. I don't think I cooked breakfast properly". He said while holding his stomach.

"Okay well this is Hiba. I'm going to set up a mattress over here next to your bed. Just try and sleep, ill be as quiet as possible".

I saw Harry look over to my friend and a smile spread out across his face. His eyes sparkled. I looked at Hiba and she was doing the same. They both blushed a little and Harry stood up. He walked over to her and held her hands.

"It's... Very nice to meet you Hiba. I'm Harry. Uhh you can have my bed if you want and I'll go sleep on the couch while you're here. I don't mind really."

Did he seriously just say that?

"No no it's fine. Keep your bed. It's nice to meet you too". She said.

I thought it was time to go get her mattress set up so that's what I did. When I came back, Harry and Hiba were sitting on his bed, chatting away like they've known each other all their lives. I can see this going somewhere. After the room was set up, I asked Harry if he could take Hiba out for a drive to show her around. I had some tidying up to do so I said I'd stay home. Harry agreed straight away of coarse and so they went. After a few hours Louis, Liam, Niall and Zayn came home. Harry and Hiba were still not back yet. I hope they were okay.

"Where's Harry?" Louis asked.

"He's taken Hiba out for a drive around the city. They've been gone for 3 hours."

"We'll go look for them. I think I know where he would've taken her", Zayn said. Great. I was going to be on my own again for who knows how many hours.

"I'll stay here with Rylea in case they one back before you find them", Liam said as he walked over and sat on the lounge with me. Louis, Zayn and Niall nodded their heads and went out the door. Liam and I sat on the couch for the rest of the afternoon watching all the Toy Story's. As soon as the second movie was over, Harry and Hiba burst through the door laughing. I jumped up, accidentally waking Liam up and he fell off the lounge. I quickly dropped to the floor holding Liam's head.

"I'm so sorry Liam!" I screamed.

"Rylea it's okay it's okay. I'm fine". He assured me. I looked over at Harry and Hiba and glared.

"It's 6 o'clock Harry!!!! Where were you two? The other boys are out looking for you!" I exclaimed.

Just as I said that Harry got tackled to the ground by Louis. Hiba walked over to me and sat down.

"I'm sorry Rylea." She sad sadly.

"It's okay. I was just really worried about you. Harry hasn't been himself lately. I'm sorry for gettin angry". I pulled her in for a hug and stood up. Liam say back on the couch with Zayn and Niall and put on the third Toy Story. Louis an Harry for up from the ground and Louis ran over to me, picked me up and spun me round. We made a massive fort in front of the tv and all 7 of us layed down underneath. Niall was snuggling up to a pillowpet, Liam was falling asleep again next to him, Harry had his arm around Hiba who was next to me, a few times accidentally stroking over my hip causing me to move closer to Louis. And Zayn was next to Louis texting Perrie. Zayn ordered pizza and we stayed under that fort all night.

💕Again sorry for not updating lately. It's the holidays now so hopefully ill update more often :) love you guys xoxo 💕

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