Chapter 5~ saying goodbye.

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It had been about 3 minutes and I'm still sitting at the table with my mouth hung open in shock. I finally closed and stared at Liam. "Are you sure I won't get in the way? Do you really want me to come? What about you, mum? Are you really letting me go or is this a joke?" I constantly asked. Mum interrupted " Rylea, Rylea. It's fine. I want you to go, it would be a great experience for you and probably once in a lifetime. I will be fine".

" we really do want you to come Rylea. We all had a talk about it last night. Everything is all planned out and you will be fine" Liam said. I looked at the rest of the boys. I stood up and went around to my mum. I wrapped my arms around her and have he a kiss on the cheek. " if your only sure mum. Thank you so much for letting me do this. Your absolutely amazing". She hugged me back and said she'll help me pack my things. The boys waiting on the couches having a little chat. After all my stuff that I had brought was packed, I grabbed my guitar and walked out of my room and placed my stuff next to the couch. "Are you ready Rylea?" Zayn asked. I nodded. They all stood up, Louis grabbed my guitar and Niall took my suitcase. I turned around to my mother and asked her if she could walk out with us. She nodded her head and we walked out of the room and into the elevator. Mum held my hand the whole time. We stepped out of the elevator and walked outside to a black 4WD. Louis and Niall placed my stuff in the boot and got into the car along with Zayn and Harry. Liam waited, leaning against the car. I turned to my mother, " mum I am going to miss you so much. I love you forever. Thank you again for this", I told her. I saw a tear roll down her face and a smile build up on her lips. " I'm going to miss you too baby. Call me when you get to wherever your going. I love you", she said. We gave each other a massive hug and kiss on the cheek and I turned around to face Liam. He smiled and opened my door, gesturing me to get in. I walked over and when I got to the door I turned around to give my mum a wave goodbye. She waved back and I hopped in and Liam shut the door. I noticed Liam said something to her and gave her a hug. After that Liam got in too. We started to drive off and I watched my mum turn back into the hotel. Liam had sat next to me along with Louis, and Liam held my hand. He knew how hard that was for me. I caught louis reaching over to my hand, but as soon as he saw Liam's and mine intertwined, he backed off. I let go of Liam's hand and rested my head on Louis' shoulder. Louis rubbed my arm and I felt him smile. Harry was riding shotgun and Paul (their security guard) was driving, so Harry turned up some music. Niall started having a chat with Zayn, Harry with Liam, and Louis and I just hummed to the music. I was going to be a while until we got the the airport.

🌸I hope you guys like it so far. This was a bit of a short chapter but anyway. Please vote and comment your opinions. Thank you xoxo🌸

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