Chapter 3~ Scary Movie and goodnight texts

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After we finished our dinner I helped Harry with the dishes. He said not to but I did anyway. After everything was clean we joined the rest of the boys and watched a movie. Zayn had put on Paranormal Activity, I don't know which one but I've always been scared of them. I'm really paranoid about ghosts. I was sitting between Liam and Niall, Louis and Zayn were on the other couch and Harry was sprawled out across the floor with a blanket over his head. I'm guessing he was scared too. We all had blankets and I snuggled up to Liam because it was getting to a part where I usually wet myself. Not literally but it felt like it. Liam comforts me and leans his head on mine. I see Louis looking over and as soon as I caught his gaze he looked away. I had to look away from the screen for this part. I hid my face, I thought about my conversation with Louis earlier before. He talked about his break up with Eleanor and how he was dealing with it. They were fine, apparently it was a mutual decision and he just wants to move on. Liam whispered to me that the part of the movie was over so I started watching again, sometimes looking over to Louis and the other boys. When the movie was over I had gotten quite tired and was a bit shaken up. Niall lifted my feet up off his legs and went to the bathroom. Harry sat up and said "wow. These movies are so scary but really cool." I shuddered. "Rylea are you okay? You look a bit pale", Liam asks. "I think I better get back to my hotel now. Mum might be worried you guys tried to kidnap me or something", I replied. Louis got up and grabbed the keys. I hugged Harry and said thank you for grabbing dinner for us. Next was Zayn, he gives good hugs. Niall quickly ran out of the bathroom and gave me a massive hug and thanked me for coming. Liam walked Louis and I to the elevator and gave me a huge hug and a kiss on the cheek. We said goodbye and Louis an I got into the elevator. "Thank you for joining us tonight Rylea, we all had a lot of fun", he said to me. "Thank you for letting me Louis, it was so good to meet you all, you are all lovely guys". We got out of the elevator and walked to the car. We got in and Louis drove me to my hotel. He walked me in silence to my room and stopped at the door. "Well this is me", I said. "Since when were you are door?" Louis asked sassily. I looked at him and laughed. After our laughing moment he gave me a hug. It lasted for about 3 minutes. He smelt amazing still. He have me a kiss on the cheek, we said goodbye and I walked inside. My mum greeted me with a kiss and hug and asked me how my day was. I told her everything and then asked how hers was. She told me how she just walked around a bit and enjoyed herself. "Rylea where is your guitar?" She asked. Crap. "Shit I must of left it at the boys room! Oh no. What am I going to do I will probably never see them again". Mum told me we would go there in the morning and get it. Hopefully I get it back. I love that guitar. It had quite a bit of money in there too. Not that the boys need it hit still... I had a shower and got into bed. I checked my phone and realised I had a message. No name though.


Rylea you left your guitar here. I will bring it back to you in the morning. Also, you looked beautiful today xx

I wasn't sure who it was.


Sorry. Thank you I miss it already. Who is this?


You will see me tomorrow. Look through your contacts xx

I looked through them and found Niall's, Liam's, Zayn's and Harry's numbers in my phone. But not Louis'. I saved the number into my phone and named it Louis.

To: Louis

I know it's you Louis. Your number was the only one not in there haha :)

From: Louis

Crap. Oh well. I'll see you tomorrow Rylea. With your guitar :) goodnight, sweet dreams xo

To: Louis

Goodnight Louis xo

I turned my phone off and thought about tonight. I eventually drifted off. Thank god.

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