Chapter 4~ Day Out

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I woke up to my mother shaking me, I was having a great dream too. "Rylea wake up! Somebody is here for you", she said. I rolled over and rubbed my eyes, looked at my alarm to see it's 8:30am. Who would be here at this time of the morning? Mum left and I got out of bed and got changed into some fresh clothes. I walked out into the dining room to see Louis sitting on the couch with my guitar case. Oh yeah that's right. I completely forgot he was coming. As soon as he saw me he stood up an held out the case. I walked over to him and took it slowly, keeping my head to the ground. "Thank you Louis. I thought I would never get it back", I finally said. "Of coarse you would get it back. It's yours after all. I was wondering if you want to come out with me today? It's our last day and we can do what we want again", he asked while I put my guitar away. Mum was on the phone to the front desk ordering breakfast. I turned around to face the beautiful boy behind me. "I umm... That would be nice. W-what would we do?" I asked. I walked past him and sat down on the lounge and he joined me. "Well we could explore the city together? Have lunch or something. Whatever you want to do", he answered confidently. I nodded my head. My mother walked into the room and said I could go if I wanted. So I agreed to Louis' suggestion and got ready. I gave my mum a hug and kiss and told her to enjoy herself again, also to call me whenever she wanted me back. Louis and I walked down to his car and hopped in. We drove for about 15 minutes until we reached the harbour. Louis got out of the car first and opened my door and helped me out. "Shall we go to the top of the harbour bridge?" He asked. I'm afraid of heights so the thought of climbing up that gigantic structure made me sick to my stomach. "I'm not sure. I have a huge fear of heights. You can go if you want and I'll wait down here", I suggested. He looked at me curiously. "Don't you trust me Rylea? I won't let anything happen to you. I won't let go of you. I'll keep you safe", he told me kindly. I started walking towards the bridge an he followed. I thought about it for a while and eventually agreed, only for his sake. I want him to enjoy himself and since he wouldn't go alone, I might as well. Louis paid for us both and we got strapped in and got a run through of what we had to do to keep us from falling to our deaths. The other people stared at us, I'm pretty sure they knew who Louis was. So we started our climb, me and Louis we at the back and Louis was behind me. He reassured me constantly that he was right behind me and that I was safe. I had to believe him, he used his puppy eyes. About half an hour of shaking and walking extremely slowly, we finally reached the top. I had to admit the view was spectacular. Louis wrapped one of his arms around me to comfort me, and rested his head on my shoulder. I pulled my phone out and we took a few photos of ourselves and the view. After a while we headed back down the bridge. When we eventually got to the bottom Louis picked me up and spun me around in a huge hug. "Rylea you did it! I'm so proud of you. Thank you for coming with me", he said after he put me down. "No thank you Louis for making me. I wouldn't have done it without you", I told him. We smiled at each other and went for a walk. We stopped at a restaurant and had lunch. "I'm having so much fun already Rylea. I'm seriously so glad we met", he said with his mouth full. I looked at him in disgust. He was pretty cute though. "Hey Louis? Do you like seafood?" I asked. "Uhh yeah why?" He replied. "See food!" I yelled before opening my mouth full of mushed up food. He turned away and laughed hysterically, he actually fell off his chair. We both laughed and I helped him up. After we finished lunch we walked back to the car. We decided to go to the iMax theatre. It was amazing. During the movie, a big fish came onto the screen and since it was in 3D, my and Louis both reached our arms out as if we were touching it, only to pull them back quickly when the fish opened its mouth. We giggled and Louis grabbed my hand. I looked at our hands intertwined then looked back up at Louis, to see him staring deep into my blue eyes. We looked at each other for a few minutes until the lights turned back on and it was time to leave. For the rest of the day we just hung out at the park and relaxed and talked about our lives. By the end I knew quite a lot about him and his family, friends, school life, pretty much everything and he knew the same about me. Eventually it was time for me to get back to my hotel. We reached my room and walked in. I closed the door behind me and Niall, Zayn, Harry and Liam were all standing around the table with my mother and Louis joined them. I looked at them all curiously. "Mum? What's going on?" I asked. "Sit down honey. We have some news and something we'd like to ask you", she said. I went over and sat down. "Rylea. Would you like to come on the rest of the tour with us?" Liam asked me. My mouth dropped.

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