9. Initiating

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There was something off.

And it wasn't that she was wearing five shirts because of how cold it was outside.

Lauren didn't know what it was exactly but ever since she and Camila had stepped out of the house, Lauren had an uneasy feeling about the roads.

It was much like how she felt when she first started roaming the streets in the open.

The sky was still clear, the sun still smiling at them, the houses still empty. She didn't have a reason to feel on edge but given where she was and what she had been through she didn't need a reason.

Camila was cheerily chatting away about her first cheerleading practice, somehow managing to be energetic through the bundle of clothes she was waddling in.

They arrived at the little store they shopped at and Camila made a beeline for the rack of cheep hoodies that while Lauren doubted would be any help would have to be better than wearing five shirts together.

"Oh good it's fairly thick." Camila said dreamily. Lauren hid a smile at her reaction.

Lauren went ahead and picked out some hoodies too, laughing as Camila pretended to be a model on a catwalk, modelling a lime green hoodie.

Surprisigly, Camila pulled it off too.

Once they finished grocery shopping, Lauren and Camila heaved the heavy backpacks to their house.

"Oh no, I forgot the water boxes." Camila groaned. Lauren shook her head at her.

"I'll go back and get it." Camila told Lauren.

Lauren caught Camila's wrist before Camila could turn to leave.

"I'll come with you." Lauren informed her, turning back to pull her jacket off the counter and putting it on. Camila roller her eyes.

"I don't need a baby sitter Laur." Camila replied.

Lauren raised her eyebrows at the nickname but decided not to comment. She couldn't hide the blush forming on her cheeks so she turned away in the pretence of cleaning the counter with her sleeve.

"It's not that it's just not safe out Camila." Lauren mumbled defensively, suddenly feeling like she was being clingy.

That's the last thing she wanted to come off as. She'd met Camila a few months ago. It wasn't fair that they'd gotten so close so fast.

"You know what Camila you can go I'll put the groceries away." Lauren said, bending down to pick up a bag and placing it on the counter.

"Sweet." Camila replied before bouncing out of the kitchen.

Once Lauren heard the front door slam, she turned to glare at the groceries. As if it was their fault that she'd revealed emotions.

It was ten minutes before Lauren heard Camila crash in through the front door.

Not that Lauren was counting or anything.

"Camila do you have to get in like that." Lauren said in an annoyed tone, yet all the same she still reached for her knife in her hoodie pocket.

Something was off.

Lauren rushed towards the front, stopping in her tracks when she saw Camila lying in a foetal position in front of the door. It reminded Lauren painfully of the when Camila first found out about Predictions.

"Camila? Is everything okay?" Lauren asked cautiously, bending down to check Camila's eyes. Camila nodded numbly.

"What's wrong? Camila talk to me!" Lauren's voice rising to a panicked shrill when Camila's eyes started watering.

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