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The cold winter wind was nipping Camila's nose as she and Lauren trudged through the snowy streets.

"I spy with my little eye a gray object." Lauren said, her face completely neutral.

Camila narrowed her eyes and combed through the streets until she spotted a lamp post. She quickly pointed it out, earning herself a point. Lauren smiled for a second before rearranging her features to look more serious.

"Hit me with a hard one." She informed Camila. Camila raised an eyebrow.

"You sure? You're finally catching up to me you know." Lauren scoffed at Camila's words.

"I was just warming up."

"If you say so Jauregui."

"I do." Lauren insisted sticking out her chin.

"I spy with my little eye... something green." Lauren's eyes widened and she rounded on Camila.

"There's like a dozen trees here!" Camila shrugged at her outburst before looking away innocently.

"Mila!" Lauren whined poking Camila's ear when she wouldn't answer. Camila looked up at the sky and sighed dramatically.

"Hit me with a hard one she said. I can take it she said." Camila announced, looking at the sky still. Lauren huffed and crossed her arms.

"Fine whatever," Lauren said and then pointed at the first tree they saw.

"It's that one." Camila sighed before nodding.

"It was? It was!" Lauren whooped and punched the air. Camila turned away and smiled.

The two girls made their way into the shop, chattering about mindless things. Lauren stopped short before entering the store, her eyes narrowed as she scanned through the isles for a Glitched. Her body relaxed more when she realized that the shop was the same as they had left it.

Lauren strolled through the aisles, this time meticulously making mental lists and checking for expiration dates on food. She stocked up her bag with six water bottles, packets of nuts and dried fruits along with a fruitcake roll and cereal bars, in addition to the pre packed emergency stuff she always carried on these trips.

In Camila's mind she was sure that Lauren thought that there was a high possibility that they might not be able to go home. The fact that the Glitched hadn't chased after them headfirst meant that it was clever, according to Lauren. Or dead, according to Camila.

Camila sincerely hoped it was the latter.

Camila on the other hand, was humming while she lazily dragged her finger across the row of berries. She knew that Lauren was taking this trip very seriously but she couldn't bring it upon herself to share that seriousness.

She didn't want to remember that she could die any minute now.

"I'm done." Lauren piped up suddenly, breaking Camila out of her thoughts.

She quickly grabbed a handful of canned food and hastily stuffed them into her backpack before yelling out the same thing.

"We need to be very careful okay Camz." Lauren said quietly, not taking her eyes off the door. Camila gulped before chewing on her lip and nodded.

She reached over and laced her hand with Lauren's making Lauren turn and give her a soft smile before striding towards the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2016 ⏰

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