Third Degree

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There isn't enough prepping in the world that can mentally prepare you for talking on live television. It's just no way you can be 'ready' you just have to go out and do it.

I might've taken the longest to get ready because for once, we could choose what to wear. I'm sure the other girls went all out for their big live debut. I didn't want to do that.

Instead I picked a simple short red and black color blocked dress. Prince Addison should be thrilled that I've decided to wear heels for this, and risk snapping my neck.

My nerves were completely shot, I have awful coping skills then tack on the stress of trying to get people to like me. "This is too fucking much." I mutter rolling up a quick blunt.

Sparked and ready to relax Prince Addison barges in my room snatching Mary Jane away. "I need that please."

He takes two quick puffs handing it back. "I must have perfect timing, or you are purposely taking your time so I'd come up here to get you." He teases blowing out the smoke.

Inhaling my drag of Maryjane I nod blowing out smoke,"Definitely the first one. You've got good timing."

"Oh so you weren't waiting for me to come get you?" He questions walking to my mirror readjusting his bowtie.

"Nope. I would've lit her up whether you came up here or not."

"I see that." He mumbles still playing with the bowtie. "How the fuck do you fix this thing?" He grumbles.

Setting my blunt down I instruct him to turn around so I can help, "I can't believe you don't know how to fix a bowtie."

"Sorry I'm too busy being an Alpha to worry about the tedious process that is a damn bowtie." I giggle at his frustration making him laugh as well.

Once I'm sure it's fixed to perfection we take a few steps back checking each other out.

"You're even hotter with clothes on, how is that possible?" I joke turning away to look for my black pumps. He follows behind wrapping his arms around my waist.

"The same could be said for you, except I've never seen you naked."

"Hey I've never seen you naked either Addison, but if that's an invitation I'm all for it." He throws his head back laughing helping me get in to my shoes.

"Beautiful, you ready for this?"

I shrug picking up Maryjane taking my last drag before she's finished. "I am now." He cracks up taking my hand whispering to me how great I look, what I should say or do, and to relax because I'm not going home as we head to the conference room.

Upon our arrival I notice there are only 15 chairs which must mean 5 have already been eliminated. Well he wasted no time at all.

He notices me stare at the chairs, "I figured I wouldn't make them dress up all nice if I was just sending them home anyway."

"Awful nice of you." I comment nudging his side.

He shrugs taking my hand bending down to kiss it, "I try. Just be yourself okay?"

"Remember you said that." I warn with a smile. Guards come in on standby just in case one of us decides to be uncivilized and needs to be escorted out. I quickly notice Jonas-the soldier who talked me in to coming back and Charlotte's husband- waving him down he does the same giving me a thumbs up.

That little extra reassurance helps me to relax. Robyn sits next to me grabbing my hand,"Not gonna lie I'm scared as shit right now."

I turn to her smiling,"We didn't get eliminated so the worst is over."

Bad Girl Turned Princess #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now