Day with the girls

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I didn't want my birthday to end, I wish it could've lasted a little while longer but duty calls.

There was an issue that needed Addison's immediate assistance and I was not going to be selfish by making him choose me or his people.

I told him I'd always be here, his people are far more important. He seemed upset I didn't want him to stay. Of course I did but that's just not how this works.

He had a car sent to pick me up before kissing me good bye. That single action felt different. The thought of last nights events swirling in my mind.

Finally back to the castle I drag my tired body up the stairs to my room ready to lay in bed and sleep the day away.

When I crack open my door sleep becomes the last thing on my mind. Everyone is in my room smiling like idiots.

What the hell?

"Can I help you guys?" I squeak.

Farrah pipes up first and I know she's the mastermind behind this contestant takeover of my room.
"Spill girl, we're dying to know what it was like."

A few of the girls chime in with 'yeah' others simply giggle and nod their heads.

Grinning shaking my head I shut the door behind me sitting on the carpeted floor. "It...was amazing." I gush.

All the girls here genuinely look happy for me. Adalia and her brothel must've been too upset to even bother coming in my room. Glad they didn't, I don't feel like coming down from my high just yet.

"Queen Giada guys, she's the sweetest woman in the world. I might actually like her more than Addison." I joke. "No but seriously she's so down to earth and very opinionated. It was great seeing her in a non formal setting."

"What about the King?" Claire, a quiet girl speaks up. I thought for sure Addison would like her when the competition first started. She's so prim and proper. Everything about her oozes Future Queen.

"The king is very soft spoken, you can just see it in his eyes how much he loves the Queen." I sigh thinking on the bond they share.

"Is it kind of how Prince Addison looks at you?" Another girl Hailey asks.

"What are you talking about? He looks at all of us about the same." I tease crossing my eyes blowing them a kiss mocking Addison.

We all crack up having fun enjoying each others company. It feels nice just to hang out with these girls. It almost feels normal, like a giant slumber party.

Once talk of my birthday died down we turned on a little music, had Charlotte bring us up snacks and had fun. Every girl brought in their maids at my request and we gave them makeovers.

As much shit as they do for us, they could use a little TLC. Most of these girls are just as good make up artists as the one who gets us ready. We all have secret talents.

Charlotte is hesitant to let me do her but finally agrees when I pinky promise to give her the rest of the day off. She works hard, they all do.

"Okay okay look." I clap my hands together excitedly. Farrah and I high five when Charlotte breaks down in tears.

"I look so beautiful." She sobs hugging us both. "Thanks so much!"

"You're welcome." I chuckle. It felt good to do something nice for her. "Let's get Jonas up here."

Phoning in to get a specific guard is not easy. You have no clue if he's making rounds or at a post.

Soon enough though he knocks on the door and we all hush the other laughing.

"Miss Karina? You need me for something?" He calls. I open the door yanking him in.

"Look what we did." Charlotte stands up from my bed smiling so wide.

Jonas looks at her in disbelief, if she wasn't the most amazingly beautiful woman to him before, she definitely is now.

"Would you marry me again if I asked you to?" He sighs picking her up to kiss. She giggles nodding, "Of course."

We all watch them in awe, a few girls get teary eyed. It really is just so cute how much they care for each other. Charlotte could probably wear a potato sack, and Jonas would still fall head over heels for her.

"Take her somewhere nice tonight." He nods carrying her from my room while we all cheer and whistle at them.

Dinner went by smoothly, didn't hear a single peep from Adalia, she glared at me the whole time. Prince Addison made an appearance which got all the girls sitting up a little straighter.

"Ladies. Some things have come up and I will be leaving for a couple days. The competition is not over, but it will be on hold until I get back." He scans all of our faces surely seeing the disappointment in everyone's eyes.

"Drew will still be giving you lessons so don't slack off because I'm not around. Stay in the game ladies."

The rest of dinner is a lot less cheerful, we all are lost in our own thoughts. I can't help but think that this might have something to do with Robyn.

This feels off.

Bad Girl Turned Princess #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now