Sins and Tragedies

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"You guys are being selfish, tell us what happened on the date!?" One of the girls whines throwing her hands in the air.

"Whoa, you can relax. Can I finish my bagel first?" Robyn says groggily. No way she wants to eat after all the liquor she inhaled yesterday. Her skin has a green tint to it probably from puking her life away all morning.

"You okay?" I mouth to her. She nods with a smirk. I look at her a little longer before turning my gaze to Red who slams her hands down gaining everyone's attention.

"How can he pick you over me? I deserve that crown!"

"Welcome to the competition Red, we all want to be 'the one'." I snort popping a strawberry in my mouth.

"You think too much of yourself Karina. He keeps you here because he doesn't know the truth. You're a horrible individual, a stupid little orphan. You're never going to become Queen." Once her speech is over I rise from the table calmly taking a cup of cranberry juice tossing it in her face.

"Alright Kari!" Robyn cheers. I don't feel proud, giving her a short stare before leaving.

"Miss Karina, Prince Addison would like to speak with you.

"Tell him not now Charlotte. I don't want to see him. Not like this." Sobbing in my pillow I burrow further into my covers wishing to be anywhere but here.

"Kari? Kari, Charlotte said you were crying. What's wrong love? If it's because you poured juice all over Adalia don't worry about it. She hates you already so it can't get that much worse."

Despite myself I choke out a laugh in between crying. "Shut up, she deserved it."

He pulls my comforter back climbing in covering us both. "What did she do?"

I can't hide this forever, he deserve to know about my past.

"It's not what she did, it's what she said about me. I'm a horrible person." I sniffle.

"In what way?"

"Addison if it weren't for me my parents would probably still be here. I have spent most of my life thinking I've killed them. If I hadn't have wanted to be free, they wouldn't have felt the need to try and make it happen."

"Karina what's this about? What do you mean free?"

"The forest, we tried to escape through the forest to get out of Persephone. My parents got caught but I hid in the underbrush until the coast was clear and ran back home."

He nods in understanding frowning, "It wasn't your fault Kari. They are dead, I won't give you false hope. The men who caught them were probably hunters. Might've assumed your parents were one of us." Addison wipes a stray tear from my face smiling somberly.

"They must've loved you a whole hell of a lot to try something so bold as to get through the forest. I'm so sorry Kari."

"Don't... Don't feel bad for me, I can't have you looking down on me too."

"Never." He breathes. "You're my equal. We both have done things we aren't proud of. I killed my best friend, watched the life drain from him helplessly. We were in our teens, just horsing around and ventured into a rival territory. Their Alpha knew my parents and spared me. My friend, he was weak and small; a runt and the Alpha knew it. My friend had heart though, he didn't like being viewed as less so he challenged the Alpha and was killed as a result. To challenge an Alpha and lose is punishable by death."

"That's awful, but not your fault. He should've known he was no match, couldn't he see that?"

"Karina he couldn't see it anymore than your parents could see what was wrong about trying to get through the forest. Sometimes you just don't see a bad outcome until it's too late and already happened."

He's right but it still doesn't change the fact I murdered my parents.

Nodding somberly he kisses me tenderly hopping out of my bed, "Before I knew you were crying I actually wanted to talk to you about something else."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." He shrugs. "I just, well-

"Addison spit it out already." I laugh tossing a pillow at him.

"Believe it or not Kari you make me incredibly nervous." His confession sends butterflies to the pit of my stomach.

"I do? Well I have something to help you mellow out." Reaching into my side table drawer I grab a blunt to light taking a puff.

He takes it doing the same, nerves suddenly an after thought he begins again. "Kari did you have fun on the date? Did I do it right? Spend enough time with the both of you?"

"That's why your panties are in a bunch? Addison yes, it was a great date. I'm actually impressed with how well you juggled the both of us. You must do that a lot."

He smirks shrugging, "I have been known to juggle my fair share of ladies. Not like the competition not this many, but yes."

"I see."

"Yeah but anyway, get ready for the next challenge. You guys are meeting my parents."

"Great." I mumble "I'm sure they'll love Adalia."

"Pfft, my father is a tough man who has a low tolerance for bullshit. He's going to rip her to shreds."

"Hm, that I look forward to seeing." I couldn't hide out all day in this room with Addison even though we both really wanted to.

He had business to handle and I had class with the other girls. Yay.

"Ladies, when meeting King Leon and Queen Giada be respectful. Don't over talk, breathe, and please be honest. They care very little for fakes and phonies. They also have information on each and everyone of you. So whatever facade you have going on, let it go now." Drew looks at each of us as if to say 'this is it. This is when the competition gets serious.'

"Three girls will be eliminated after their meeting with the king and queen. Please leave gracefully don't put on a show. Above all else ladies, have fun. They really are wonderful people."

Way to sell it Drew after scaring us half to death.

Dismissed to get ready my hands tremble, tapping my leg anxiously.

"Relax Miss Karina, you'll be fine. Just be the same way you were when you got interviewed by Dorian."

Shit he'll be back soon to interview us again.

"Charlotte that's easier said than done. Dorian isn't King Leon or Queen Giada, they can take one look at me and decide I'm not fit to be here."

"True, but you are and I'm sure they'll like you. You'll do fine." She assures me pinning a stray curl back in place. "Blue velvet looks lovely on you Kari, if I do say so myself."

"I'm glad you picked it, I would've been okay in jeans in a T-shirt." The walk to meet the king and queen felt longer than ever.

All we were told was that we'd go down one by one to meet them in the garden. None of us will have any idea who went first, last, or who went home. That might be the most nerve racking part.

I was escorted to them by a guard who kept looking me over with this dumb smirk I wanted to knock off of his face. "Problem?"

"Nope, you're just really beautiful. Far more beautiful up close." I didn't know what to make of his compliment. Was it inappropriate because he was basically hitting on me or just an innocent compliment?

"Um okay, thanks I think." Shrugging off his words I smile politely at King Leon then Queen Giada. Halfway into my curtsy Queen Giada leaps up embracing me in a hug.

Shocked doesn't even come close to how I feel right now. "Okay well I wasn't expecting that." I giggle a little shaken up.

She takes her seat motioning for me to do the same.

This should be interesting.

Bad Girl Turned Princess #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now