Meet and Greet

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I tossed and turned all night long. Not even Mary Jane settled my nerves, and that's shocking.

As the morning sun began to peek through my bedroom window I sunk further into my comforter trying to get some sort of sleep.

"Kari let's gooo!" Farrah calls knocking on my door before bursting in.

Well guess I won't be sleeping in. I think to myself holding the covers tighter as Farrah tries to rip them away.

"Please just five more minutes." I whine.

"No no the guards will be here to take you any minute! We have to at least do your make up if nothing else." She manages to yank me out of bed guiding me to the vanity.

"Alright so since we're pinched for time I'll just do a light make up, sit up straight. My God at least try Karina O'Day." Farrah smacks my arm frustrated over every move I make at this point.

"Damn mom I'm sorry." I joke dryly.

She sucks her teeth after she's finished my face to attempt to make sense of my hair.

"Do you even brush this mess!?" She scolds fighting with my hair to get her brush back.

"Ow! No! It just grows and I wash it but that's it Oow. Farrah that hurt." I cry squeezing my eyes closed not even trying to see the end result of her assault.

A few minutes later she's done spraying and pinning my hair up. "Not too bad. Okay now hurry up you've got like a few minutes to get dressed."

Glad I decided to shower last night.

Racing against the clock to get ready I grab my nearest pair of black dress pants pairing them with a white dress shirt and a suit jacket.

"Oh I like it! Look at you in the sexy lady suit. Definitely going to stand out."

That's not really what I was going for. I was aiming for comfortability.

"I am not trying to get noticed."

She snorts, "Right."

Before I can argue my outfit of choice a car horn blows outside signaling my ride had arrived.

Farrah gives me a final hug goodbye placing a small envelope in my pant pocket. "When the time is right open it okay?"

I nod letting her go racing down the stairs out the front door and to the limo.

There are three other girls already in it looking like sexed up prom queens.

Would you like some dress with that skin? Sheesh, I don't think I've worn that little clothing on my sluttiest day.

All three pairs of eyes look me up and down before turning away uninterested.

Didn't want to be your friend anyway.

The ride all the way to the next destination was uncomfortably quiet. I crossed my fingers in hopes of this next girl being a chatter box.

Already waiting outside of her house on the curb in a red Jessica Rabbit dress is a tall skinny girl. She hails the limo as if it's cab and isn't going to stop anyway.

Bad Girl Turned Princess #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now