I do

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"Oh my God, Lady Karina you're going to be late to your own wedding!" Drew shouts flustered, she isn't even my teacher anymore but I still get scolded about etiquette.

I shrug smoothing my hands down the bodice of my dress, I look so beautiful. The gold shimmering in the light of day, meshing nicely with the white of the rest of my dress.

I really do feel like a princess, a nervous wreck of a princess but one none the less.

"Relax Drew. I'll just run there if I have to."

"And ruin your dress!? Absolutely not!" She shouts clutching her chest.

I giggle shaking my head, "Kidding."

We're on our way out when the door swings open hitting the wall harshly. Addison stands in the doorway with his back to me.

"Drew can you excuse us for a moment?" She looks between the two of us wiping sweat from her brow. "Don't you dare look at her Prince, I'm not kidding." She warns stomping out.

"Getting cold feet my prince?" I ask rolling up a blunt I hid in my bra. He snickers, "Not in the slightest. I'm here for Maryjane and I knew you'd have it."

I chuckle taking a puff before handing it to him. His fingers brush mine as I pass it to him. We go back and forth until it's all gone.

"Kari, how do you feel about babies?"

I cough with my eyes wide, "Uh wait can we get married first?"

"You're right, I'm rushing things. Get married today, babies tomorrow." He nods clapping his hands together. "Got it, that's all."

"Uh what? Wait! I didn't mean." I sputter but it's too late he's already taken off down the hallway. Drew comes back grabbing my arm dragging me down the hall.

I can't believe how drastic my life has changed. From a poor bartender to a princess. I just wish Farrah were here to give us her blessing and walk me down the aisle.

I cried for days after Addison rescued me from Shane. Every noise, every guard had me scared shitless. Addison was worried I'd been driven crazy but eventually. With therapy and him by my side helping me along I made a full recovery.

My pack integrated with Addison's and so far so good. Turns out a few of them found their mates here.

The Castle was rebuilt to perfection, I might actually like it better now, we had an artists come in and paint a mural of Farrah.

Every time I pass the wall by the kitchen it's a bittersweet moment. I miss her more than anything but I'm happy to see her immortalized on the wall.

"My Lady stop dragging your feet, let's go!" Drew hisses tugging me from the mural gently. "She'll be with you, I'm sure of it."

We decided an outside wedding was best, the only part about this I didn't like was everyone in the kingdom was invited.

Everyone who could be here was, every seat was packed with royalty and there were barriers set up a little distance away from the wedding full of just your everyday people. My people.

The music begins hushing the murmurs as everyone turns to look at me enter.

I was frozen to the grass, all eyes on me had me freaking out. Jonas appears beside me wrapping his arm around mine patting my hand.

"You look great." He whispers as we begin walking. He's become like a brother to me. It was only right to have the next best person walk me down the aisle.

Charlotte sat in the crowd with her swollen belly smiling at us. She winked at me blowing a kiss as I passed.

Girls from the draft also sat in the crowd waving and giving me a thumbs up.

Dorian was commentating on every move we made. His camera crew following behind.

Queen Giada and King Leon stood proudly on the stage. King Leon behind Addison and Queen Giada waiting for me on the opposite side.

In between was a podium with an officiant to marry us and a table with unity candles.

Jonas let go of my arm once I reached my mark in front of Queen Giada who gently placed her hands on my shoulders.

"That boy loves you to pieces dear, welcome to our family." She whispers.

"I love him just the same." I breathe looking at the man I'm going to be with for the rest of my life.

He mouthes 'I love you' and I say it right back.

Once the ceremony was over the reception began. Our first dance kicked it off. Addison kissed me gingerly receiving cheers and whistles from the crowd.

"Kari, I don't know what I'd do without you, I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." He whispers twirling me around. "You mean the world to me baby, you're perfect for me and I love you so much."

I get teary eyed wiping my face quickly, he reaches up to brush my tears kissing my cheek.

"I also can't wait to undress you later, you know?" He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively and I laugh out loud.

"Seriously though Kari, I'm so proud to call you my best friend, my bad girl turned princess."

Bad Girl Turned Princess #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now