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Returning to a home that's completely in shambles was hard to do. Not because of the castle being ruins, it can always be rebuilt.

However you can't rebuild a life once it's lost. I'm infuriated with myself, once again I'd let my guard down.

The pack I was visiting did get attacked by hunters and then my territory gets attacked and it dawns on me they're flexing their power.

Trying to show they can take us on and win. The absurdity of it is almost laughable.

By no means are we weak because we were caught with our dicks in our hands.

It won't fucking happen again, that's for sure. I can't get the images of my home out of my head. As I walk through each room I'm relieved more hunters lay dead than my men.

My heart aches at knowing what I'll have to tell Adalia's parents. So far she's the only one not accounted for. The only one dead.

"Sir." A guard, Jonas, bows his head before speaking. "Robyn was here, she took Miss Karina."

He chokes up on the last part handing me an envelope that's been ripped open.

Inside is a disk, quickly I head to what's left of my office sliding the disk into my laptop.

What I see on the screen has my wolf on edge. He's bloodthirsty for the man stroking Karina's face, forcing her to say things she doesn't want to.

When his hand strikes her my body jumps forward wishing this motherfucker was here now to be ripped into shreds.

My eyes stay trained on her watching the way she defies this man. She may just be human but her strength could match any shewolves.

He knocks her down and I can take it no longer the screams uttered from her throat. Her cries of 'I die with her' ringing out.

"Son of a bitch." A feral growl rumbling through my chest. "I'm coming for you baby." It's a promise I plan to keep. I will get her back and take down anyone who stands in my way.

Dialing her phone it rings and rings until her shaky voice heard.

"Addison?" She sounds worn down but not done for.

"I'm coming for you, tell that motherfucker I'm coming."

She sniffles mumbling to whoever is there with her, "He says good, he's been waiting a long time for this."

I nod grinning, "Do you trust me Kari?"

"With my life." She whispers. "Don't let me down."

With that the line goes dead, its all I can stand not to wage war on every human in this land.

I never thought it would be possible to feel this much hatred for a person but it rolls off of me in waves. I hate this man with every fiber in my being.

Leaving out of my office on a mission it doesn't take long for one of my own bounty hunters to pinpoint the exact location of these people.

My men are prepared for this battle and so am I. We're ready to lay down our lives for my princess,my love, my mate.

Our travel there is hasty, I felt impatient even though I knew without a doubt we were making good time.

My fingers flip my phone over and over trying to muster up the strength to dial Adalia's parents.

Taking in a deep breath I puff the air out as the phone begin to ring.

"Adalia please be you." A man cries on the other line.

He's a wreck, I can tell by his voice and rightfully so. "Sir, this is Prince Addison to inform you that...Your daughter has been killed."

Her father drops the phone crying out to anyone who'll listen, "She's gone! My baby, she's gone! God help us!"

It is horrible to listen to I almost hang up until a woman talks through the phone. "You will find the people who did this?"

"I will." I say sternly.

"You will show them no mercy my Prince?" She sniffles.

"I won't."

"We don't blame you my Prince, thank you for caring enough to let us know." She sobs.

I choke up for a moment but quickly push that emotion aside. "I will prepare her body for your final goodbyes. I'm so sorry for your loss."

"Thank you my Prince." We hang up and I slam my phone down on the verge of shifting until Jonas grabs my wrist.

"Save it for that motherfucker." He spits.

I nod in agreement. "I never said thank you for getting as many girls out as you could."

"Don't thank me Sir, I shouldn't have left Miss Karina alone. We should've stuck together. I...I didn't know she was the intended target."

"You did good work Jonas, she knew. She knew something was going to happen. That woman is a survivor, I'm going to marry her Jonas, I'm going to get her back and marry her." I promise myself.


Just like Shane said each guard got to have their way with me. I'd become so numb to it they took my silence as enjoyment. That couldn't have been further from the truth.

"That's enough, let's give her break or she won't be any good." Shane says pulling me from the floor to his shoulder.

He strokes my butt all the way to that large room full of prisoners tossing me down like a sack of potatoes.

"You've got another message to deliver tomorrow and you better do it right. You felt the consequences of disobedience today, it can get worse."

Sitting up I bark at him like a wild dog through the muzzle. He looks at me puzzled but says nothing.

Once the door locks it's just us, they look at me concerned. A woman limps over to me sitting down embracing me in a hug.

Soon all the women do the same, I cry in their arms and they cry with me. Has he done this to them as well? Try to break them this way?

I calm down enough to look her in the face, "You're all Weres?"

She nods,"Yes my lady, all of us. Prizes captured and to be sold."

"The men?" I ask.

She looks down, "Death is their prize."

It sends a shudder down my spine knowing their fate it's one too hard to accept.

"Prince Addison is coming for me, I'm getting us out of here. I don't know how."

The smile that spreads across her face warms my heart. They all smile bending their heads to the side.

"It's our way of showing you we respect you as our leader." She comes closer rubbing my cheek with hers, "This makes you one of us."

One of them, part of their pack. The closest thing I've got to a family now. Farrah would be so proud of me, how I'm being so strong.

"That Farrah was right, a woman worthy of being a leader is right." She hugs me again.

"You knew her? Farrah was here before she.." Letting the sentence die off I look away saddened.

"She said you're stubborn and we'd know it was you by your disrespect for authority." She chuckles, "You did not disappoint."

Bad Girl Turned Princess #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now