Chapter 1 - One Day

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It's 8:30am, she is running late , traffic was so bad. She left home at 7am and she's still stucked along Ortigas Avenue.

Traffic is not moving for the last 20mins. What's happening to this place? She checked Waze and she saw that the red mark goes along up to C5 kalayaan. She massage her temple and gritted her teeth.  This is so bad. I will never make it to Makati in time for my 10AM meeting. She closed her eyes trying to relax herself.

By 9AM she's one of those closed to loosing patience with this terrible traffic. 

She started to feel warm. 

She rembered her car A/C .

"Oh fuck!"

She turned it off and turned it On.

Her car airconditioner problem is erratic and most of the time it doesn't work if she is stucked in the traffic like this , the compresor needs replacement as per the last checked by her mechanic.

She closed her eyes and murmured

" Please work...please its so hot"

She is wearing a tapered suit.  She opened her window and it is such a relief that she gets some air from outside. The air from the fan of her car A/C is not doing any help to make her cool. She glanced at her rearview mirror, her face is so red and sweat has started to form on her forehead and neck. She decided to take off her suit. She is now wearing a white sleeveless tank that exposed her already blushed, sweating skin.

Traffic has remained to stand still for a few more minutes. At 9:20am she proves that driving skills in the Metro Manila is a must at times like this. She is closed to bumping the car in front and besides her. She maneuvers her way in the bumper to bumper traffic until she was a able to take a right turn to Kalayaan.

She glanced at her watch its 10 minutes before 10am. I am so screwed she thought. She reached her phone and called someone.

" Sally! Hi I need a favor...I'm still caught in a bad traffic, I have visitors coming in at 10am, Kindly assist them .
I might be there around 10:30..."

" Oh problem Althea.."

" Thanks so much Sally...I owe you this..."

" Ofcourse , You owe me one mocha frap Grande..."

" Sure babe...thanks Sally...bye..."

She glanced at her watch, she took a deep breath in frustration.

Its bumper to bumper traffic going to Kalayaan Flyover. Suddenly she noticed someone looking at her from the truck beside her.  The two men were grinning at her.  She holds her temper.  Then one of the guys speak.

" Is it hot Miss?"
Then the Men laughed together.

She glanced at them and smiled sweetly.  She look at the traffic light waited for it to turned green then look again at the guys she smiled and gave a firm dirty finger.

" Fuck You! "

Then she drove fast and smiled at her self.  She played in her mind the reaction of the two men at the truck. She smirked.

" Good morning to me..."
She talks to herself.

She arrived her office building 22 minutes after 10am. She parked her car took her laptop at the back seat and her black MK Tote bag. She was greeted by the receptionist on her way inside their office. She went straight to the Ladies Room and fixed herself before proceeding to the board room.

She step inside the boardroom confidently as she was introduced by her colleagues to the team that will help them on their up coming project.

Althea Marie Galura at age 28 , She is the youngest Top Executive in one of the biggest Multi National Company in the Country.

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