Without me knowing Jenn had rang Daniel, James, Lily and Sally to come round to hers, telling them she had a huge surprise coming home with her, they probably thought she was buying a new pet or something, not bringing home a person. Except Daniel, he was one of the people I HAD to tell.
We arrived back, I got my suitcases out from the boot of the car, and looked up at her huge mansion staring down at me. It looked even bigger than when I was last in Melbourne. She had some really pretty flowers planted around her garden leading up the path to the front door. It looked perfect.
As we entered her mighty fine house, everyone's conversations went quiet. They stared at me with complete shock, just as I stared at them. James was first to speak,
"Am I dreaming, or did Isabella Brice just walk through Jennifer's front door?" No-one moved.Jenn spoke to break the silence, "SURPRISE!"
I was then covered in hugs, kisses on my head, all I heard was small comments like, "omg we've missed you so much" "i can't believe your back" "you smell so good" "you look gorgeous Bella!"
I felt so at home, this is where I belonged, in Melbourne with my real family!
I obviously asked what I had missed, James replied "nothing much, me and Lily are still together, just as happy as when you left."
Daniel then said "oh yeah, and me and James have made a YouTube account with the Brooks brothers from our school."
I slightly recall seeing there faces around school, I remembered one was called Luke, the other Jai, I couldn't really remember the most important one.
"Do you remember them, Jai, Luke and Beau? It's gotten quite successful and we got a couple thousand subscribers already!" That's it! Beau.I never really saw Beau in school, he wasn't really in my lessons, but the first thing I thought of was those gorgeous, green eyes. Wow, they were something special.
I forgot to answer, because I was deeply thinking whether I remembered them or not.
I just stared into empty air, Sally then said "Anyway.. We've invited them to the cinema tonight to watch The Conjuring, it looks shit scary!" I was so tempted to say no considering I was knackered from the flight, but why would I miss out my first night back in Melbourne?
There was a knock at the door, "That must be them, they're early!"
I was confused, "Early? Early for what?"
"Dinner, we're going out for a meal before the cinema, to celebrate you getting back!"
I don't even know the boys? Oh well this should be interesting, I'm quite shy in front of people I don't know.
I simply let out a small, "okay". Come on Isabella, I thought to myself, say something else, say thankyou!
"Thankyou guys so much! You're the best!" They all smiled and we all had a big hug circle. Sally then realised we left the Brooks brothers waiting outside, she rushed to the door shouting a gigantic, "HEY, COME IN!" She hugged each of them as they strolled in.
Wow, Beau was even better looking than I remembered. His hair was swiped to the side, whilst a pink and black snapback held it in place, he also wore a white tank top showing off his tanned muscular arms, and a small bit of his chest. I looked up to find him standing right in front of me. Wow, I was also right about the eyes, they were as green as green eyes get. "You must be Izzy?" His smile caused me to smile. He went in for a kiss on the cheek to greet me, but me being the weirdo I was, held my hand out for a shake instead. I then realised he called me Izzy, and corrected him.
"It's Isabella, or Bella" I gave him a smile before moving over to Luke.
He shot me a wink before saying, "I'm Luke, you can call me Lukey if you want." I quietly giggled and shook his hand. "Isabella."
Jai was sweet, I'm sure Luke and Jai were twins, probably, they were identical except for Luke's peircings, a dot at the top of his nose, and Luke's bluey green hair.
Jai simply shook my hand and let out a quiet, "I'm Jai, nice to meet you."
"Isabella, you too." He flashed me a smile and Lily got everyone's attention.
"Okay, guys you get in your car, us girls will get in mine, we'll drive behind you, seeing as Daniel hasn't even told us where we're eating yet."
Daniel planned the meal? I felt so loved, as we were leaving, I mouthed him a grateful 'thank you' he quickly mouthed 'your welcome' and we exchanged smiles.
(A/N - okay guys, no more chapter until tomorrow, please vote up, and get me more reads. I would love it and appreciate it. :))

Those Three Words - (Beau Brooks / Luke Brooks Fanfiction)
FanfictionIsabella Brice is a normal 18 year old girl who has to move from place to place, but when she takes a stand she gets to stay in Melbourne with her best friend, Jennifer. But when she falls in love, more than once, who will she pick?