"Remember Luke, stay calm. No matter how much you want to punch him in the face, control yourself, because I really want things to go back to normal with Harry." I lectured him.
"Don't worry, no matter how much it boils up inside of me, I will be nice to that-"
"Stop right there, no more calling him names. Or at least wait until after we have met up with him." I pleaded.
"Okay, but for you, not for him. Never, ever for him." He used emphasis on the word him, to emphasize his immense hatred for Harry.
I just ignored him as we strolled through the park entrance, linking arms with him.
"Hey Harry" I said as we approached a bench he was sat on.
"Bella! And.. Luke? You didn't tell me he was coming?"
Luke stepped forward, "Don't even start Harry, I'm here to support Bella." He said with slight anger and intimidation.
"I didn't start anything Luke, would you like to take a seat?" Harry said, surprisingly nice.
I smiled and took a seat next to Harry and Luke sat on the other side of me.
"So basically, Harry we need your advice. Something happened between the two if us, and we don't know what to do. Could you help us out?" I asked willingly.
"What?! That's why we're meeting him, to ask for relationship advice? He isn't exactly the expert, is he Bella?" Luke stood from his chair.
"Luke sit down," I tugged on his arm, "he is the only person we can trust with the secret at the moment, and I don't really think we should be discussing this with anyone else." I said with all honesty. It was true, if we were to talk to any of my girls, James or Daniel, it wouldn't end well at all. He huffed and sat back next to me.
"Okay, so what happened between the two of you?" Harry asked with confusion.
Me and Luke looked at each other and he nodded at me.
"We kissed." I said, with no fear because I knew Harry wouldn't judge us at all. At least I though it knew.
"You kissed? What is wrong with you both? The two of you are in relationships!" Harry shouted, extremely unexpectedly.
"No shit, that's why we need your help." Luke said without hesitation.
Harry's face lit up with anger, "if I was you, I wouldn't get gobby with me Luke, you are both on very thin ice at the moment."
"You would never tell anyone Harry, just stop."
"Oh yeah? What makes you think I won't tell anyone? You are both spreading yourself very thin."
I decided to butt in, "because we trust you, please Harry. Just calm down, and let me explain later?" I said with extreme puppy eyes.
"Okay. But that's not why I wanted to meet with you today." Harry said as he looked down at his lap.
"Oh yeah, why did you want to meet with me?" I asked with confusion.
" I've been thinking.. But I don't.. I really can't say this in front of Luke. I didn't know he was coming." Harry said with distress.
"Don't worry about it, I should be going anyway, Becca wants to see me." Luke then kissed my cheek and left us to it.
Harry's eyes widened, "Don't you think that's a bit weird Bels? Him kissing you as a goodbye?"
"Well I guess it's a bit inappropriate, but it's friendly kisses, nothing more, nothing-"
"Less. I know, I know. Okay so the reason I wanted to meet with you was so I could ask you for your opinion about something." Harry's face dropped, and he started twiddling his thumbs in his lap. "I met this girl, and I have a really good feeling about her, but I still have feelings for you Bella, and I don't think I will get over them so soon. It's hard to just get over love." He held my hands and turned his body to me.
"I know it's not going to be easy Harry, but I still want to be friends with you, I want to be there for you when you have relationship problems, and I want you to be there for me. So I think you should give this girl a chance, if I doesn't work out, I'm your shoulder to cry on." I said smiling all the way through my advice, because what Harry just said made me smile. He still loved me, but hearing that complicated everything so much more.
"Thank you Bells," he kissed my cheek, "Thank you so much." He then hugged me and I wrapped my arms around his muscular shoulders, whilst his were around my waist.
"I should be leaving, Beau will be wondering where I am." I whispered into his ear, and he released me.
"Okay, do you want me to give you a lift home?"
"No I'll be fine, I'll just ask one of the boys to pick me up."
He hugged me one final time and said "Goodbye beautiful."

Those Three Words - (Beau Brooks / Luke Brooks Fanfiction)
FanfictionIsabella Brice is a normal 18 year old girl who has to move from place to place, but when she takes a stand she gets to stay in Melbourne with her best friend, Jennifer. But when she falls in love, more than once, who will she pick?