Chapter Nineteen - Caught

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I knew immediately this would never, ever leave my conscience. Me and Luke shouldn't even be trusted in the same room together alone, because it will always end this way. I guess nothing would have happened if Beau and Becca were here with us, almost as if this was karma. That was harsh, I take it back.

It shouldn't have been this hard to resist Luke because he was my best friend, we'd seen each other half naked for God's sake.

My head was in the crease of his neck and our bodies were against one another.

"So what do we do now? Do we tell Beau and Becca about the kiss? Do we forget it ever happened? I'm confused Luke." I said with all honesty. He then lifted my head off his shoulder holding my chin.

"We do this." He leaned in again with another kiss, this time his hands were on the side of my face, stroking my cheek slightly. I understood what he meant, it did feel right, but Beau's brother, I couldn't begin to imagine us in a relationship.

Next minute, Jai swung my bedroom door open, catching us in action.

"Oh my god! I'm just.. I'll just... Yeah.." He hesitated, then exited with all his speed.

"Shit. Jai get back here!" Luke shouted, but he was a little too late, he was gone, and probably downstairs telling the others what he just witnessed.

"Crap, what do we do Luke?" I was in just as much shock as him, my heart racing with adrenaline, fear.

"We do.. Nothing. There's nothing we can do but go downstairs and tell that cunt to keep his mouth shut." Luke said in anger.

"Hey! There's no need for that! He didn't intend on catching us kissing, so calm the f*ck down, let's go downstairs and act natural."

Luke smirked at me, I knew why he was smiling, it was because I was being straight forward with him. He then reached for the door handle and let me go in front.

"Hey guys" Luke said as we both sheepishly strolled in the living room. Jai's head shot up to us with slight disappointment, but also reassurance so we knew he didn't say anything. "Er, Jai can I speak to you in the kitchen for a second?" Jai nodded and the both left the room.

"I wonder what that's all about.." Daniel said, with confusion in his voice.

Jai's POV

I was obviously so confused at this point, seeing my brother making out with my other brothers girlfriend with so much passion, not something you see everyday.

It was obvious why Luke wanted to talk to me, he was crapping it.

"What have you said?" He started the questioning.

"Nothing, not for you, not for Isabella, but for Beau and Becca, they don't deserve this."

"Don't even start Jai, I know since Ariana cheated on you with some Brit, you're heartbroken, but don't turn this onto us."

"I'M NOT! BUT WHAT DO YOU EXPECT ME TO SAY? YOU'RE DIRTY PIGS LUKE, BOTH OF YOU! JUST AS BAD AS ARIANA!" As those words left my mouth, Bella creeped round the corner, looking at me with heartbreak.

"Jai? You didn't tell me about Ariana, why?"

I decided not to let any of the girls, Daniel, James or Beau know about Ariana yet, because it was too soon, I couldn't really talk about it. I just wanted to talk to someone when I found out, and Luke was there, I wasn't emotionally ready to talk to all of them.

"I was going to tell everyone when I was ready." I looked down at my feet, and continued talking, "I won't tell anyone what I just saw, but don't ask me for anything ever again, because I know what it feels like being cheated on, it makes you feel like shit. So Beau and Becca will not know about this."

Isabella's POV

Jai was completely right, everything he just said was harsh reality. We were cheats, and it probably broke Jai's heart seeing that, especially after everything with Ariana.

As Jai was leaving the room, he brushed passed me at the doorway, "I can't believe you Bells."

Those five words stunned me, they made the tears fall, making me realise what me and Luke did was disgusting. I was a whore.

My phone buzzed from in my pocket, I had a text from Beau.

• On my way home, I hope you sorted everything out with Harry. I love you x •

Great, I was a crap girlfriend, but my boyfriend still wasn't clean, he had a lot of explaining to do about Becca and himself. I was going to get to bottom of things. I definitely wasn't letting that slip from my mind.


"Bye guys! Jen I will text you later!" I shouted as everyone left the house.

"Just me and you," Luke said as we waited for Beau and Becca to get back from their 'date'.

Across the ocean, across the sea, starting to forget the way you look at me now. Over the mountains, across the sky, need to see your face I need to look in your eyes...

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey it's Harry, I need to see you."

"Is it urgent? I can meet you tomorrow?"

"It's not urgent, I guess tomorrow is okay. I'll text you the details."

"Okay, see you later."

I put the phone down after our reasonably short conversation.

"Who was that?" Luke asked from on the sofa.

"Harry. He wants to meet me tomorrow." Luke didn't really like Harry after he found out everything that went on before I left, he always held a grudge about it.

"Oh right, can I come?" He asked with all seriousness.

"I don't know if that's a good idea Luke, you hate him?" I tried to talk him out of it.

"I won't start anything, I promise, I just want to ask him something?" He pleaded

I gave in, "Okay.. But I'm trusting you not to kick off."

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