Chapter Eight .

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* Langston's P.O.V *

I stayed with Aaleeyah until she fell asleep, which she did, I leaned over and kissed her forehead. I'm gonna get whoever did this to her. She's practically my life when she cries I cry, when she's hurt I'm hurt. So as of right now she's hurt and I'm hurt but I'm gonna do something about it. After I kissed her forehead I got up and went back to the hotel room. I sat on the bed and texted Julian since he wanted to be the first to know.

PR_Langston: Ayee Julian, she's fine. But, I want revenge .

TheRealJuliann: Thats good. But, do you know who could've had this happen?

PR_Langston: Aaleeyah and India said they were dancing with Payroll and Kid and you know how them niggas are. After they danced the shoot out happened.

TheRealJuliann: Shit, you know where they live me, Day, you, and the others could leave their tonight?

PR_Langston: Shit, can we do that now? I won't be able to sleep knowing that nigga still out there.

TheRealJuliann: Alright bro. Call up and Day Day and the others and we can go.

PR_Langston: Alright.

I did as I was told and called up the others they were fine with the idea so I told them to meet me at my room in 20 minutes. I walked into the bedroom part of the hotel (If you're wondering why they're in the hotel still is because they don't want non of there gang rivals to find out where they live so if they have business to take care of they'll go to a different hotel everytime just a little heads up in case y'all were confused) I looked under the bed and grabbed my 3 9mm and I heard a knock on the door. I strapped the guns to my side and I opened the door to see the guys.

"Alrigh, so how we gone do this?" Day Day asked.

We gone be simple and just shoot niggas. I said.

I ain't care how we did it. Just as long as I get my revenge. "Alrigh, that sounds good." Ben J said.

Alright, lets roll out. Tool said.

We left the hotel room and hopped into our cars. We ended up on Fenkell and rode down the deserted street it was always like this at night. We parked a few feet away from their house and hopped out the car.

We walked around their house and whipped our guns out. We saw an opening to the inside, dumb fucks. I overheard their conversation and told the boys to stop for a second..

"So, what we gone do next Pay?" Kid asked. I knew it was Kid because he had a rather strong but light voice.

Shit, we already got her shot and her friend survived. I guess we got to get her friend. But, before all that we got to get that bitch ass nigga Langston and his crew for the simple fact that they're bigger than us and can take us out any minute. Pay said.

Which he was right but what he didn't know was that I was aiming my gun right at the two then. "BANG!" I shot Kid in the head and Payroll in the back. Soon enough his niggas were coming out the house but we aint care we just hopped into our cars and drove off into the distance. I heard a bullet hole break my glass. I told Tool to rake the wheel sink he was riding with me. I climbed into the sunroof and shot at those niggas. I got each and everyone of them. I hopped back inside the car and dapped up Tool and continued to drive back to the hotel.

I got my shit tooken care off so its whatever. I went upstairs to the room and found it tore the fuck up with a letter sitting on the bed and it read: "We told yall niggas to watch yall back but yall aint listen. Now, Eazy is mad and wants his money if you don't get it back by Friday night at 12 Midnight I swear I'm taking the one thing you love dearly..... Aaleeyah."

Hell naw they were talking about taking Aaleeyah I had to sign her out the hospital and quick. I had to get her back to her brothers house. I know he doesn't like me right now but we have to be cordial for Aaleeyay's sake. I got down on my knees and prayed which I havent done in a whle."Lord please help me because I know what I do is wrong but as of right now I'm counting on you to pull me through this. Amen." I said as I got up and laid down in my bed.

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