Chapter Twelve

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I looked at everyone wounded. Then I saw the paramedics run after them. I had to find my father. The palms of my feet burned, and I flew up into the air. I spun around and looked around. I saw him on the ground. He was awake, but he didn't look too hot.

I zoomed towards him and landed next to him. "Are you okay, Dad?"

He nodded, out of breath. "That was a Hell of a landing."

My eye checked to see if he had any broken bones. Just a cracked rib. He'll be fine. I pulled him up. "Come on. The paramedics are with the others."

He nodded and wrapped his arms around my waist. We flew up and back to the burning mansion. I took him over to one of the ambulances and walked over to Sophia. She cut up pretty bad.

"Ugh. Are you freakin' kidding me?!" Yep. She's pissed.

I didn't say anything. I knew she wasn't finished talking.

"I don't have any broken bones, but I'm all...disgusting. If I'm covered in scars, I'm getting plastic surgery!"

Anakin walked next to me and started laughing. "Oh, Soph."

"This isn't funny! I'm so mad! And to top it all off, I got that freakin' ringing in my ears! You better be worth all this, Breili!"

I sighed. "I..."

Anakin put his hand on my shoulder. "Relax. She'll get over this."

I nodded and walked to Eli. He had a giant bandage wrapped his head. Blood had bled through on his forehead. "You okay?"

He nodded. "Yeah. A huge chunk of brick hit my forehead," he pointed at his wound. "I have a concussion. But I'm fine besides that."

I hugged him.

He slowly put his arms around me. "Are you okay?"

I nodded. "Yeah. My ear's going to kill me, but I think Coop can fix that."

"He's busy tending to your dad right now."

I shrugged. "I never said he had to do it now."

He kissed my left temple. "I'm so sorry, Breili. Someone's really determined to kill you."

A thought occured. But I couldn't say it. It's not safe here. So I made the paramedics take us all to Cooper's personal lab. It's about 30 miles out of Vegas and underground. No one could follow us or even find us there.

"Alright, we need to run away." We were in the meeting room of Cooper's lab. There was an octagon-shaped, black glass table in the center were everyone was sitting at. I was standing, looking at the world map.

Dad looked down at it. "Where were you thinking?"

"Not America. Well, not North or South America for that matter. I'm guessing the guy who wants to kill me can check who enters a country on the Western Hemisphere."

He nodded.

Jett said, "Let's go to Russia!"

Sophia high-fived him. "Yeah! Let's go there, Breili!"

I sighed. "Yes. Because Russia is a safe place."

Spence stood up and walked over next to me. She pointed at the long island on the south eastern side of Africa. "Madagascar. No one goes there unless it's for research. That's like the only jungle place that's 100% jungle. We could say we're on a research trip with Coop."

Everyone agreed. "Yep. This is why you're the smart one of the group!" Jett threw his hands up in the air.

Spence's cheeks turned light pink. She smiled and looked down.

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