Chapter Fourteen

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We arrived on the island of Madgascar a few hours later. I was scared. What if the people who are trying to murder me there? How did they even find me?

Luckily, no one was at the airport. Only a guy who sat behind a desk smoking a cigar reading a Sports Illustrated magazine. He was black and heavyset, but he seemed nice. He didn't care if we did show passports or not. He recognized Cooper so he let us through.

We took a Jeep and crammed into it. There was no top on it so I didn't feel so clustrophobic.

"Now, I wanna say the house is about 10 miles deep into the forest," Cooper pointed at the map in Crystal's hands as he steered the Jeep with his other hand.

"Yep, looks like it," she folded the map back into her lap.

In the review mirror, I saw Cooper's eyes glance at me. I could see concern and worry on his face. I pursed my lips and looked down at my knees.

Riley poked my back. He was stuck with Carter, Anakin, Eli, and Jett with the luggage behind us. I turned. You okay? He asked in my head. You seem tense.

I shrugged. I guess I'm okay. I just saw Coop's face...he's worried. He's still not too happy about what happened earlier.

He nodded. I'm not either.

I rolled my eyes. I know. At least I saved you guys.

He half-smiled. You know it's supposed to be us protecting you. Not the other way.

I shrugged, smiling. I don't care. You know I don't.

He put his hand on my shoulder. His thump pushed into my skin, in a soothingly way.

Jett asked, "What are you two doing?"

"We're just talking," Riley answered simply.

"Oh, boy. Damn telepathy." He ruffled through his hair. "I've attempted to do it. But I just ended up getting a headache and farted."

Spence burst out laughing. "Seriously?"

"I thought too hard," Jett answered shamefully.

I couldn't help but laugh, too. "When was this?"

"Uhm...earlier. You guys were all asleep when it happened."

Anakin shook his head. "I wasn't." He facepalmed himself. "I really wish I was though."

Sophia scrunched up her nose. "Ew."

Eli grinned, showing his perfect teeth. He shook his head. "Are you just now understanding this?"

"No..." She looked away, almost embarrassed.

I smiled at her.

Cooper said, "Hey, we're about there. I'm gonna park the Jeep a few hundred yards away from the house, just in case."

We nodded. Well, Sophia complained. "Ugh! That means I gotta walk!"

Jett winked, "I could carry you."

"Carter, could you slap him for me?!" She asked.

Carter laughed, shaking his head. "I'm good."

Cooper stopped the Jeep and we got out. Jett hopped off and failed. He slipped on mud and faceplanted the ground. "Aw!" He stood up, trying to shove off the dirt. "Damn."

Sophia laughed. "You are so not carrying me now."

He pulled off his mud-covered shirt, showing his muscular body. "Whatever works." He shoved his shirt into a side pocket on his back pack.

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