Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

"I am glad you did not step on glass," Midnight said, dipping the small towel in a bowl of scented water. "Show me the other foot, little human."

Paige complied, offering the injured one to the Species female kneeling on the floor. Midnight removed the old bandage and examined the wound, nodding once before cleansing her foot. Paige wondered if the feline had bathed her with the same methodical care while she'd been unconscious, as though she were made of porcelain instead of flesh and bone. Midnight reminded Paige of 11. She had the same athletic build and sharp features, though her eyes were a dark shade of blue. They complimented her lustrous black hair, which she'd braded in intricate knots down to the small of her back. Next to Paige, Doc Alli sat on the bed removing the excess blood from her hand while keeping pressure on the injection site with gauze. Once she'd cleaned and secured it with a bandage, she took a needle from her breast pocket.

Paige felt the blood drain from her face.

Alli frowned. "Sweetheart, what's wrong?"

A growl rose from the corner of the room, drawing her attention to X-013 who began to pace in agitation. The officers standing outside the door frowned at the male, prepared to intervene if necessary.

"He can smell you are afraid," Midnight whispered. "Take a breath and steady your heart. That is an antibiotic shot, nothing more."

Paige squeezed her eyes shut, unable to forget the sensation of Dr. Malcolm digging sharp fingernails into her hair.

"Are you, perhaps...afraid of needles, Paige?" Alli said gently.

"Not the needles," Paige admitted, lifting her gaze to the doctor. She swallowed past the lump in her throat and offered her arm. "Just get it over with."

Alli rubbed a swab of alcohol over her skin before administering the injection, the pressure of the needle unpleasant but tolerable. Paige managed not to utter a sound, lest it stirred the male's agitation further.

Within seconds, it was over.

"I examined the puncture wound on your back," Alli said, smoothing a band aid over the spot of blood. "To be honest, it wasn't hard to find. Your skin appears to bruise easily..."

Paige nodded, pressing a hand to the marks on her neck. She didn't glance at X-013, afraid she'd be giving him away with just a look. The NSO would probably lock him up in a cage again if they discovered he'd nearly killed her with his bare hands.

"We did extensive blood work, but the results from the lab came back inconclusive," Alli continued. She paused and glanced at X-013 from the corner of her eye, before returning her eyes to Paige. "Do you know what they injected you with? you felt afterwards?"

An uneasy feeling settled in Paige's stomach.

"I-I don't know what was inside that needle. I found Dr. Malcolm in her office sitting on the floor three feet away from her dead assistant, which she'd bludgeoned to death with a trophy, so it wasn't like she was in the right mindset to give me a science lesson. If it helps, the liquid inside that needle looked weird. It was bright blue, almost like it could've glowed in the dark. After she stabbed me with it, I remember feeling cold at first and then really, really hot. Everything sort of faded to black after that, until I woke up here."

Alli bit her lip and glanced at the door, but it was Rook who addressed the two Species officers first. She pushed herself from the wall she'd been leaning against and took a cell phone from her back pocket as she approached them.

"Does that sound like B-47 to any of you?"

Both males exchanged a look and shook their heads. Rook turned to Paige.

"Were you injected while in the company of a male?"

"No," Paige said, though her reply didn't appear to convince the female. She hugged her midriff to quell the sense of unease building inside her. What on earth was B-47? Poison? Is that why they were looking at her with grim expressions?

Was she dying?

"Paige, what's wrong?" Alli's eyes widened with concern.

Paige attempted to calm her breathing, but something impeded her from taking in air. She pressed a hand to her chest, feeling her heart rate spike as the sudden urge to run took hold of her. A small voice assured her it was a panic attack, but Paige couldn't grasp that rational thought in her state. Her mind had shut down, allowing instinct to take over and right now it demanded she escape this room. She surged to her feet, tipping the bowl of scented water on the floor in her haste, and darted her eyes about the room for a way out.

"Doc, something is wrong with the female," Tiger said, wrinkling his nose. "The scent of her fear is growing stronger."

"Fuck," Rook hissed, averting her gaze to the floor. "Get your mate out of here, Obsidian. Now!"

Midnight rose to her feet, eyes widened in alarm, just as the sound of a vicious snarl filled the room. Rook grabbed Midnight and shoved her towards the door, straight into Tiger's arms. Obsidian rushed into the room and lifted Alli by the waist, dashing out in time to avoid the male's rage.

It all happened in a matter of seconds.

Paige screamed when the world turned upside down and she found herself settled over X-013's shoulder. The sudden shift distracted Paige from her panic, but indignation surfaced the moment he placed a large hand over the curve of her rump.

"My man, calm down," Tiger said. "Just settle the little female on the bed—"

"Mine!" X-013 roared.

"Obsidian! Put me down, damn it!" Alli demanded. "She can't stay in that room. I forbid it! That male's—."

"Reacting to her fear," Obsidian said in a gruff tone. "She is in distress and the male is attempting to isolate her from any potential threat. Right now, he thinks we are the cause of her fear. Until she calms, he will not allow anyone into that room again. His animal nature is in control now, Alli. We must allow him some space to adjust."

Alli sputtered her protest, although the sound of her voice began to recede until Paige could no longer hear it. She assumed Obsidian had carried her off, but she couldn't be certain from her position.

"Officers will be posted down the hall." Tiger's voice lowered to a growl. "Do not attack them. They are there for your protection, but will not hesitate to dart your ass with tranquilizers if necessary. If anything happens to that female, there will be consequences. You are Species and our laws apply to you as well, understand?"

X-013's entire frame vibrated when he snarled at the feline, the sensation skittering all the way down to Paige's toes. She attempted to lift herself by using his back as support, but she froze when his hand squeezed her bottom in a silent warning. When his calloused fingers grazed her thighs, she realized the blanket had fallen from her shoulders.

"Paige, listen carefully." Tiger softened his tone as he addressed her. "Do you wish to remain in this room with that male? We can arrange private quarters if you wish, just say the word."

Paige found it hard to think, hanging over X-013's broad shoulder. "Um, I don't think I'm going anywhere while he's in caveman mode, Mr. Tiger. He did this a lot at the testing facility."

X-013 squeezed her rump again.

"Stop it," Paige hissed at him, and slapped his back for good measure, though her hand may as well have hit a brick wall. She swore she felt his shoulders tremble with silent laughter.

"Paige will remain with him, Tiger. That's an order," Rook said. "I will have supplies and food delivered to their room shortly. It will allow the male time to adjust to his freedom and calm."

Tiger snarled, and then Paige heard him utter a string of curses as he walked away.

"That male needs to relax," Rook said, amused by the other's anger. "He used to be so much fun before—"

"In his present mood, I suggest you keep those comments to yourself," Midnight growled. "I will make arrangements for their food and clothing, but rest assured this will be reported to Justice."

Paige heard the door slam, which muffled the sound of the heated discussion as the felines walked away and left her at the mercy of the insufferable male.

"Put me down," she demanded.

X-013 growled.

"I'm going to be sick, sunshine," Paige warned. "You either put me down, or I throw up all over your back and I won't even feel a little bit sorry for it."

Without warning, X-013 grabbed her legs to maneuver her into the cradle of his arms, seconds before he tossed her gently on the bed. The motion left her breathless, but at least her objective had been accomplished.

Until the male pinned her to the bed.

He used his weight to keep her in place, just like he did in the basement, but this time Paige wasn't in the mood to be complacent.

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