Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

At first, given Shield's more impressive bulk, Paige feared for the NSO leader's life. Justice North was the New Species emissary within the human world, a male who presented himself with decorum and civility, even to the most obstinate of crowds during a speech.

To an outsider, he was the most amicable male.

A diplomat.

Yet, seconds after Shield initiated his attack, Paige witnessed the feline's sudden transformation from passive host to ruthless predator.

Clad in a pair of black boxers, Justice dropped to the floor to avoid Shield's fist and used the momentum to thrust his powerful leg and swipe the male's feet from beneath him. Shield landed on his back with a surprised grunt, much to Paige's relief, though within seconds the incensed male was back on his feet with clawed hands splayed out and ready to rip the feline to shreds. The thought of seeing him splattered with the NSO leader's blood made her insides twist with fear.

"Stop it!" Paige yelled. "He's not your enemy, blockhead! What is wrong with you?!"

Shield ignored her, and launched himself at Justice once more. The feline leapt to the air with a deafening roar, colliding with the male before grappling for dominance across the matted floor. Paige cringed at the frenzied whirlwind of fangs, claws, and fists. The amount of blood seeping from amassing wounds was a disturbing sight.

Someone had to stop this.

Paige shot a pleading look to Alli across the room. Although her attention was trained on the fighters, the doctor didn't look pleased by the violence any more than she did. Still, she remained silent. Paige had hoped Obsidian or the other officers would've rushed to their leader's aid by now, but the sound of snarls and flesh hitting flesh increased in volume as the minutes ticked by.

And yet, not a soul stepped forth to intervene.

"Shit, looks like he started the party without me."     

A large shadow eclipsed over Paige, followed by the low rumble of laughter. She whirled and stumbled back when she realized the unfamiliar voice belonged to a Species male who'd crept up behind her. Paige wondered if his light footsteps made him feline, but she couldn't be certain. He was well over six feet and built like a gladiator, a sight she was still adjusting to from all the Species she encountered. His jeans were black and faded, ripped off at the knees to reveal muscular calves, while his red sleeveless shirt displayed impressive biceps and the span of a wide chest.  His black, tousled hair added a dose of allure to his striking features, but his green cat-eyes and facial bone structure entreated her to exercise caution. As the male returned her scrutiny with a suggestive once-over, his lips curled back to reveal a devilish grin.

Another predator had entered their midst.

Paige wanted to take a step back, but sensing this would amuse him further she opted to stand her ground and glare at him instead. None of the males closest to her appeared alarmed nor surprised by his presence, so she took small comfort in that.

"You did not run," the male observed, tilting his head to the side. His voice was gruff, but not hostile.  "A wise decision. Never run from my kind—especially a male. It will trigger our impulse to hunt."

Paige crossed her arms over her chest. "Well, maybe you and your buddies should practice some restraint. It's not polite to chase your guests."

The male grinned and stepped closer. "I am never polite."

Shield - A New Species Fanfiction (Wild at Heart Chronicles, Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now