Chapter 31

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            CHAPTER 31


2:06 A.M.

           It was over.

           Natasha knew it the moment the sixth hunter threw his weapon to the ground, lifted his hands in the air and surrendered.

           It had taken them less than an hour.

           This was because the NSO had neutralized the threat before it spread like cancer, and they did it in a manner that was both stealth-like and lethal.  Three of the assailants had suffered under Valiant's hands before they arrived, their deaths gruesome and undoubtedly meant to deliver a message to their companions. A message which they had received loud and clear.

           You did not fuck with a New Species.

           Furthermore, you certainly didn't fuck with one protecting his cub and mate.

           But despite all that, there was one intruder present who'd gone off the rails and didn't give a shit one way or another. Of all the people to lead this assault, Natasha wouldn't have chosen a prick hell-bent on a suicide mission.

           Then again, they were desperate.

           Natasha assessed her quarry, feeling not an ounce of sympathy for the damage Jason Holloway had sustained at the hands of one pissed off Wild Zone resident. Half of his face was unrecognizable now, flesh mutilated by razor sharp claws. The cuts extended down the column of his neck, where the assault had continued across his chest, tearing his shirt to shreds. Had the NSO not intervened, Nat was certain the man's stomach would've been split open and his innards used to wrap around his own neck.

           No one would've blamed him.

           Valiant's only son was missing, and the sudden loss had unleashed a fury the likes the NSO had never seen.

           It was fortunate Tammy had been able to break through his rage before they resorted to using tranquilizers in order to contain the feline.

           They'd been escorted to Medical, while Natasha and her team dealt with the aftermath.

           Now, she needed answers.

           Jason shifted on the ground, seeking a more comfortable position as he glared back at Natasha. This was a feat he would not accomplish easily. The man's wrists and ankles were zip-tied, secured perhaps a little more firmly than was necessary, and within moments he would be carted off to Homeland with Darkness for interrogation.

           After that, Fuller Prison.

           But knowing this, the man's nonchalance in the face of his incarceration worried her.  The fucker had a wild card, and he wasn't going to use it until it suited his purposes.

           Natasha didn't have time for this shit.

           Another wave of nausea threatened to overwhelm her, the fifth one she'd had within the last hour.


           She really didn't have time for this shit.

            "Got something to say before they ship you off, soldier?" Natasha asked. "We both know you and your buddies didn't organize this attack, not without outside help. I want a name and a location."

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