Chapter 22

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"Your personal items from the out world have arrived," Rook announced over her shoulder, keeping a steady pace across the dirt path leading toward the women's dorm. "Clef made certain to retrieve the ones from Medical as well, and had them transferred to your new quarters."

"So I'll be staying with the Species females from now on?" Paige asked.

"We are to be housemates," Rook confirmed with a grin. "The others will be excited by the arrangement. A human adolescent is a rarity here, much like children. There is much we look forward to learning from you."

Paige smiled at the prospect of spending time with the Species women, but she was more relieved they wouldn't force her to share the room from Medical with Shield—not after their fight this morning. His anger and overbearing nature would surely suffocate her, if she didn't strangle the stubborn male first.

Still, how would he react to her absence?

Paige winced at the thought, pushing the twinge of guilt aside to focus on more pressing matters.

Like the Nemesis Task Force.

Not long after Natasha introduced her proposition, she and Darkness began a heated discussion on the matter. The male was adamantly opposed to her decision, while Natasha's foul mood was heightened by her inability to physically punch her mentor in the face. Paige had slipped from the bed unnoticed, stunned by the menacing aura brewing between her mother and the male as they snarled at one another in anger. Rather than intervene, Justice had placed a gentle hand over her shoulder and nudged her toward the door. By the time the NSO leader herded Paige into the corridor, Rook and the elderly doctor were approaching the scene, expressions alert.

With just a solemn look from Justice, Rook had nodded once and grabbed Paige by her hand, ushering her away. She had glanced back in time to see Justice exchange a few words with the doctor, before he retreated back into Natasha's room and closed the door.

The sound of their voices still rang in her ears.

Yet, Justice had deprived her of answers by banishing her from the room.

Perhaps it was time she sought them by other means.

The path to the women's dorm was bordered on either side by tall shrubs and maple trees. Solar paneled stakes planted along the trail made their journey manageable so late in the hour, though Paige suspected with Rook's heightened senses the feline would welcome the absence of light like an old friend. Glancing behind to make certain a patrol officer wasn't within hearing distance, Paige lowered her voice to a whisper.

"What's the Nemesis Task Force?"

Rook came to an abrupt halt, shoulders rigid with tension. Without turning to face her, the feline growled, "I don't know what you're talking about."

Paige snorted. "Okay, let me rephrase my question. Why would Mom volunteer Shield and I as candidates?"

This time, Rook swiveled back with a startled expression on her face. "She what?"

Paige brushed the chill from arms, lifting her shoulders in a gesture of bewilderment. "I don't know, it's what she said. That's the reason those two started fighting, because Darkness was against it." She shook her head. "And I don't blame him. I can't imagine Mom volunteering me to become a soldier or whatever—"



Rook placed a hand on her hip, cat-eyes gleaming in the darkness. "Once a candidate earns a place as a full-fledged member, we're called Nemesis Riders."

Shield - A New Species Fanfiction (Wild at Heart Chronicles, Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now