Chapter 28

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6:19 A.M.


Huddled within the warmth of the wool blanket, wearing only the nightshirt beneath it, Paige rested her chin over the curve of her knees while awaiting for the light of dawn to crest beyond the horizon. She'd managed to sneak out of her room without Shield noticing her absence this time, although she was certain Security had caught her on camera taking the elevator to Medical's roof.

Oh, well.


Someone would seek her out soon enough.

For now, Paige took solace from gazing upon the fading stars above the desolate refuge while she attempted to quell her troubled thoughts. Another dream had woken her, this one much more frightening than the forest with teeth. She'd been soaring again in this particular dream, a sense of peace enveloping her as the wind carried her higher and higher above a kingdom made entirely of clouds. But just like that first night in the hospital bed, waking with her senses addled by sedatives after three days of interminable slumber, the dream had turned into a sinister nightmare. In it, a violent gust of wind struck her from the sky. The world darkened, heralding a gathering storm as she plummeted to certain death toward a forest engulfed in flames.

Only, she didn't catch fire.

Instead, Paige fell into the depths of a vast ocean. And just like that first night, as she sunk farther and farther below a soundless, blue world, his voice would whisper a single word and she'd wake up in a cold sweat with it reverberating inside her head.


That voice...was not Shield's.

Even on that first night, Paige knew with absolute certainty it belonged to Dr. Malcolm's test subject--Ladon.

Somehow, the male was stalking her in her dreams.

A rustling sound jerked her gaze from the sky to the ledge twenty paces from where she sat, and her breath caught when she found a bird perched over it. The peculiar visitor, just slightly bigger than a crow, regarded her with an imperious tilt of its head while holding a dead mouse from its curved, yellow beak. Paige recognized the slate-grey coloration of its back, and the distinct black markings along its white cheeks as that of a Peregrine Falcon. They were quite common in Northern California, and she'd often seen them hunting near her school grounds. They were supposed to be quite shy around humans, though...

So why was it there?

In answer, the falcon shook its feathered body and puffed out its dappled, rust-colored chest, as it tilted its head before hopping the three-foot distance from the ledge to the cement floor. Paige resisted the urge to laugh at the comical manner in which it walked on its legs toward her, though her amusement fled when she caught sight of the falcon's hooked talons and the intelligent gleam of its black eyes.

It was in that moment, holding the animal's gaze, that a familiar tingle crept up her spine and spread across her back in a rush of warmth. Paige knew what that meant. She'd been fighting it for the past two days, but it seemed her time had run out. Securing the blanket more firmly around her, she ignored them and narrowed her eyes at the cheeky intruder instead.


The falcon paused mid-step four paces away, tilting its head to the side to blink at her. A yellow ring surrounded that eye, and as it straightened to its full height, it locked its gaze to hers and emitted a series of low clicking sounds before hopping a step closer.

Shield - A New Species Fanfiction (Wild at Heart Chronicles, Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now