Chapter 23

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A puff of warmth tickled the back of her head, rousing Paige from a fitful sleep. She pushed her hair from her face and blinked, uncertain of where she was or how she'd gotten there, but at least she had woken up in a comfortable bed.  She lifted her head and stared at the unfamiliar room in a daze, taking in its rustic decorum. The walls were a blend of wood and stone, furnished in bold reds and soft orange accents. A scent of pumpkin spice lingered in the air. Her tired eyes settled over a picture frame hung above the dresser, the photograph of a vast wooded landscape teasing her brain.

Something about those trees was very familiar...

Then, she noticed her guitar propped next to a collection of suitcases and cardboard boxes. She knew it was hers, because the faded Let the Music Speak sticker she'd gotten at a music festival last year was staring back at her. When Paige attempted to move for a closer inspection, she nearly screamed when she discovered a heavy arm wrapped around her waist. The shock that she wasn't alone in bed jolted her addled senses faster than a shot of caffeine, and that's when she remembered everything.

Walking the dirt path with Rook.

The Nemesis Riders.


Paige turned to glower at the Species male attached to her backside like an oversized barnacle. It appeared the brute had commandeered her space in sleep. Bed hog, she thought, resisting the urge to smack him with a pillow or two. Maybe smother him for good measure. She swiveled her gaze across the room and squinted at the nearest curtained window. From the absence of light, sunrise was still hours away as far as she could tell and the realization soured her mood even further. A morning person, she was not. Glancing over the male's shoulder at the clock on the nightstand, she glared at the time it read.

Too early. Way too early.

But the incessant pressure in her bladder could not be ignored.

With adept fingers, Paige pried Shield's arm from her waist and slid from the bed to the floor. She tensed, expecting him to pounce and drag her back beneath the covers, but the male just shifted closer to the space she'd vacated and nuzzled her pillow.

Dead to the world.

Paige supposed he was too sated from their exuberant romp last night to pose a threat to her for the moment. Taking advantage of her little reprieve, she relaxed her shoulders and stepped back to admire the view he offered.

She needed something to improve her morning.

Disheveled hair curtained Shield's exotic face, every silver lock begging to be combed until her heart's content. A muted glow from the bathroom light cast over his nut-brown skin, and against the backdrop of white bed sheets the contrast posed a rather alluring vision in her opinion. Even in sleep, his imposing frame exuded indomitable strength and she was grateful her new quarters had included a king-sized bed to accommodate his size.

Species males certainly didn't come in small packages.

The thought conjured up a vivid image of the large male pinning her to the bed last night. Face down and in repose, Paige followed the defined contours of his biceps with curious eyes. Her gaze trailed down the expanse of his broad back to the curve of his firm buttocks, which was barely concealed by her blanket. Her gaze lingered there, recalling each thrust she'd felt against her sex, and heat rose to her cheeks when that familiar sensation quivered between her legs.

Get a grip, Evans!

Paige shook her head and tiptoed to the bathroom, locking the door firmly behind her. She brushed her hands against her face, frustrated by the direction of her lurid thoughts, and approached the mirror to examine the bite mark Shield had inflicted on her shoulder. She pulled the collar of her nightshirt to the side and cringed at her marred flesh, deciding in that moment it was the most hideous hickey in the history of all hickeys.

Shield - A New Species Fanfiction (Wild at Heart Chronicles, Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now