Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Paige glared at the complex knot tied around her ankles and attempted to work it loose again without much success. She'd been struggling with the cord for the past twenty minutes to no avail, though the time spent in her efforts to break free hadn't gone completely to waste. Within that timeframe, she'd formulated at least ten thousand ways to exact revenge on X-013 for binding her to the bed.

The sound of the shower running drew her eyes to the bathroom door, left wide open as if the stubborn male intended to rush out at the slightest disturbance. Paige wouldn't put it past him, the beast. After X-013 had staked his claim on her like an arrogant caveman, he made certain Paige couldn't escape the room in his absence by tying her feet together with a cord he'd pulled from the lamp on the nightstand. It reminded her of their initial encounter in the basement, when he'd spared her life and secured her inside the netting as if she were no more than an intrusive critter.

If raised in isolation had resulted in his inability to coexist with others, it was quite possible he believed this barbaric behavior acceptable. 

The thought was unsettling. 

A light knock on the door startled Paige from her reverie, though it was promptly replaced with relief. A quick glance assured her X-013 hadn't heard the noise. She shifted to the edge of the bed, adjusting the flimsy hospital gown as best as she could to cover her modesty. Given the male's petulant nature, Paige doubted they'd send a human into the room to check on them. If X-013 became aware of another presence in his 'territory,' she prayed the Species on the other side was equipped to handle him.

"Come in," she whispered. 

There was a small pause before the door opened to reveal a male Species wearing a set of moss green scrubs. As he took a cautious step into the room, Paige heard the faint hum of music coming from a pair of headphones coiled around his neck. He held a large duffel bag over his shoulder, an impressive feat given his reed-like frame, while the other rested on the handle of a utility cart. Paige could tell by the shape of his eyes he was a feline breed, though his peculiar tri-colored hair was an obvious marker to his heritage— even if his smaller size was not a usual Species trait. 

Her grandmother had once taken in a stray with similar coloring when she was in middle school, although if memory served the old Calico never really warmed up to anyone but Abigail. More often than not, Paige had found herself on the receiving end of its displeasure no matter how hard she tried to befriend it. 

This male appeared just as mistrustful in her presence as Abigail's old cat often did, but when his brown eyes locked on her restrained ankles they widened in obvious horror.

"Don't raise your voice," Paige warned, holding her hands up in a calming gesture. "He'll go Hulk on this place if you call your officer buddies." 

The male frowned. "I do not understand that term."

"You know," Paige said, curling her hand to into fist and bringing it down with a little force over the bedding. "Hulk, smash?"

The male still appeared puzzled by the Marvel reference, but her hand punching the mattress seemed to drive the point home. Keeping his eyes to the bathroom door, he pushed the utility cart further into the room but didn't venture more than a few feet. He flicked his eyes to her ankles and tilted his head.

"I suppose you aren't in the middle of a game with your rogue...?"

Paige scowled.

The male sighed and crept to the bed, placing the duffle bag beside her before he dropped to the floor and used his sharp teeth to snap the cable loose. He tossed it aside and examined her ankles with a clinical touch, though she knew X-013 had been careful not to strap her with too much force to break skin. The close distance allowed Paige to hear the song from his headphones with more clarity, which coaxed a smile from her lips when she recognized the composer.

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