Chapter One

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Warning sexual content


Running as fast as I can through the woods, hearing loud growls from the rogues who killed my family. Running with an injured leg would slow me down but the determination to get far away as possible kept me going. Remembering the horrid death of my parents and the screams of the wolves in the pack, we didn't stand a chance against the rogues, they caught us by surprise.

I didn't know where to go or where to hide, fear is the only emotion I feel, I whimper from the pain in my leg, the loss of my family and pack. Mother always tells me being an omega is a grift from the Moon Goddess but I couldn't understand why those rogues killed everyone except me. I kept running until my body will collapse from exhaustion, the loud growls soon turned faint. I slowed down wondering if I lost the group of rogues until suddenly felt something hard hit my wolf body. I howled in pain rolling down a deep hill, my body hit trees as I reached the bottom.

The strong scent of rogues filled the air, both my legs broken and in so much to pain to even try to escape. It'll take hours for my omega self fully heal, four wolves surrounded my injured body growling and snapping their teeth. I faintly whimper in fear, I turned my head closing my eyes praying to the Moon Goddess for them to get it over with so I can see my family once again. Hearing their bones crack tells me they're shifting into their human form.

"Finally got us an omega boys" one says.

"You gave us quite a chase little one but hey my wolf loves to catch little b*tches like you but an omega is a bonus" another sneered. Feeling their hands roughly touched my fur, wanting to move away I lift my head and started to bark at them. My threat seemed to be a joke to them as they all laughed, roughly gripping my fur pulling my hair out of my skin. I howled in pain whimpering as I lowered my head in submission, telling them I mean no harm.

"Never seen an omega before and f*ck you smell good and look I am so f*cking hard" another says. I felt disgusted by their touch and their words, I blamed myself for stopping and allowing to attack me so easily, I should of kept running and not looking back even if I don't hear their growls. Hearing their bones crack once again, I felt one rogues pen*s touch my entrance. I growled covering my entrance with my tale, I weakly bark warning them to move away but my threats mean nothing to them. Slowly I felt the tip enter, I yelp in pain until hearing the rogue howl in pain as it's body moved away from mine.

Sensing another rogue, it's scent is different from the others, I smell power and vanilla that makes my heart skip a beat. I laid my head on the dirt ground whimpering in pain, my vision blurred and all I could hear is the rogues fighting another rogue. The rogue vicious growls makes the ground vibrate, the smell of vanilla somehow calms me. Soon the growls and howls turned silent only now hearing the leaves move from the wind brushing through it. Feeling a nose touch my stomach, I whimpered but no longer have the strength to lift my head. The rogue licked my bloodied fur whimpering in response, it's an unusual behaviour for a rogue but somehow it feels normal and I didn't understand why. As an omega my wolf doesn't speak, I only feel his emotions but his words is just mute, feeling excitement build within whenever the rogue licked my fur. The last thing I heard is a mans voice unable to recall what he says as darkness consumes me.


Hearing the screams of my parents as I witness their deaths before me, father trapping me inside a closet. I didn't understand why everyone was panicking but it was to late for everyone to defend themselves as the group of rogues successfully killed everyone leaving me as the lone survivor. I woken up whimpering from the dream, I blamed myself for not being strong enough to protect my family. If only I wasn't born as an omega then I'll add least saved my parents, I accepted for who I am remembering mothers words about being an omega.

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