Chapter Four

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"I'll be going out to hunt for a few hours" said Rogan

"W-Will you be back before sundown?" I asked the rogue.

"Not planning to be gone that long, I should be back before sundown" he replied

"While I'm gone do not venture outside, it is dangerous for an omega to roam the woods alone so do not leave this cabin" said Rogan. Nodding his response, he picked up his coolers and walked out the door.

Watching the rogue walk away in the distance, I felt sadness becoming from my wolf watching the Alpha disappear. Deciding to use my time to clean up the cabin, mother always tells me that being a good submissive omega I'll need to learn to clean after myself and others. Several times I offered to help Rogan clean but it seemed he didn't like the idea me cleaning his cabin. Suddenly felt a tear roll down my cheek, remembering my mother brings back good and bad memories.

Why did the rogues attack the pack and killed everyone including my family, no one deserve to die that day. I always hear people say being an omega is rare but also can bring danger no matter where the omega go. Sometimes I wonder if the attack is my fault, the rogues was only interested in me? If I hadn't been there then the pack would still be alive, my parents would still be alive. Even Rogan knows the dangers when I venture out in the woods alone, I remember how angry he was, it's the first time I've seen emotion shown on his emotionless face.

Lost in deep thought I then hear someone knocking on the door, I placing the cleaning products down wondering who could knocking. It couldn't be Rogan, he left a few minutes ago, I walked out of the bathroom and slowly make my way to the front door.

"W-Who is it" I called.

"It's Asher princess, open the door" Asher replied. I sighed in relief, quickly I opened the door for Asher and also another man I never seen before.

"Is Rogan here?" asked Asher

"H-He went out to hunt, he says he should be back before six" I replied as I closed the door shut. The stranger man standing next to Asher kept staring at me, he didn't smell like a rogue. I can smell power of an Alpha all over that man, I look down showing my neck to the Alpha as a sign of my submission but also respect.

"Didn't know Rogan had an omega in his home" said the man.

"Oh yeah, this is Landon and Landon this Roland" Asher replied

"I can understand why Rogan didn't mention you, you truly are a beauty" said Roland. I blushed looking away from the Alpha.

"T-Thank you Alpha" I said. He smiled.

"Please call me Roland" he says

"R-Rogan isn't here s-so m-maybe come back later" I said

"It's best if we both stay until he returns, cannot believe he left an omega alone" Roland replied. It felt awkward being around two male Alpha wolves, I didn't want the two friends to fight over me. I sighed going back to the bathroom to continue cleaning. Both the rogue and the Alpha seated outside drinking a beer that they've took from the fridge. Maybe I should make them something to eat, I wanted to give a good impression towards Rogan's friends.

Putting the cleaning products away, I quickly washed my hands then look in the fridge to see what I can cook. I remember helping mother prepare meals for father, she'd always cook the meals while I help cut the vegetables and meat. There's wasn't much in the fridge, I guess Rogan will be going grocery shopping sometime this week.

"Need some help" someone says. I squealed in surprise dropping two tomatoes I took from the fridge dropping them to the ground. I kneel down quickly picking up the tomato, blushing as I heard Roland chuckle. Wasn't even sure what I am going to cook with two tomatoes, Roland help me stand as he closed the fridge.

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