Chapter Fourteen

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Warning: Violence


I watched in horror as the omega fall to the floor. A pool of blood formed around his body. I shifted back and instantly went to his side.

"S-Stay with me Winter, I-I'll get you out of here" I cried. I grab my shirt quickly covering his wound and try to stop the bleeding.

Winter looked at me and smiled, "Thank you" he says. I couldn't stop the tears.

"Get up!" Quinton ordered. I snatch my arm away as he tried to grab.

"I'll kill you!" I growled. I felt energy shoot throughout my body, this time it's Quinton who looked afraid.

"That power belongs to me!" He yelled. I couldn't explain what is happening to me, this energy is overwelming and I felt it quickly leaving my body. I heard a loud howl in the distance making everything vibrate.

Quinton picked me up putting me over his shoulder. I hit his back trying to get off so I can Winter. He ran further away from the omega.

"Let go of me!" I pleaded. The scent of blood filled the air, dead bodies lay around the cave.

"We've lost our men, the army is here" said the rogue. Quinton crused and continue running through the cave. Everything is my fault, Quinton was behind all of this, if Rogue hadn't found me then none of this would of happened. My parents, pack, Mary's pup and Winter will still be here.


Asher gave our location to Roland, he joined forces with other packs to help rescue Landon and omega's. Firing the flare gun giving the army of wolves the signal. It's time to end this once and for all.

Rogues charges at us, we both shifted into our wolves and attacked killing them all. We went into each room revealing cells after cells filled with injured and dead omega's.

"Go Rogan, the omega's says Landon is here" he says.

"Release them and try to save as much as you can" I said. I need to save him, I need to tell my omega how much I love him. Not only he's he's carrying our child but he's the love of my life.

I heard gun fire straight ahead of me, my body froze as I heard a loud scream similar to Landon. Quickly I ran as fast as my wolf can go.

"Landon!" I called praying to the moon for him to respond.

I saw someone running towards me, my eyes widen in shock not only seeing Landon over a rogues shoulder but Quinton, my best friend who died many years ago. I couldn't believe what I am seeing, how is he alive, I saw the rogue rip open his throat.

"We finally meet again, Rogan" said Quinton. Feeling strong energy form within my body demanding release, I tried my best to control it.

"It was you all along" I said. He set Landon on the ground and point a gun to his head.

"I was never dead Rogan, many of us wasn't but you ran like a coward" he says.

"What are you talking about?" I asked

"Don't pretend you don't know, you let my mate die. She was right beside you and you had every chance to kill that rogue. I watched her die and I couldn't do nothing, it's all your fault" Quinton replied.

"You're wrong, I did try to protect her along with other wolves. She killed herself Quinton, she allowed then rogue to kill her" I replied. Quinton growled and tightly sqeeze Landon making him whimper in pain.

"Liar! She wouldn't do that. You killed her and now you'll know my pain" he says. Everything went in slow motion, his finger on the trigger, I reached my hand out as fire flow out of my palm making him release Landon. I charged until a bullet shoot passed me and into his head.

"Hurry! This cave is filled with bombs, its going to blow" yelled Roland. I looked behind me seeing him along with other wolves. Omega's quickly enter the helicopters. Roland discover there were only one camp housing hundreds of omega's.

"Landon we need to leave" I said. He refused to follow as he ran the opposite direction.

"Landon!" I yelled. I followed behind seeing him kneel down. A small boy lay on a pool of blood. I looked away, he's already with the moon.

"Baby, he's gone" I whispered. He shook his head refusing to believe me.

"No! H-He can't be, he saved my life, he saved our pup from Quinton" Landon cried. War wolves rushed passed us with more omega's following behind. The injured carried by the war wolves.

"Look at me baby, he's with the moon" I said. I picked him up and ran towards the group. Large helicopters taking all the omega's to safety. I am happy we've saved them all. The last group entered along with Landon and I. I held my omega as he cried in my arms, the cave exploded leaving everything destroyed.

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