Chapter Fifteen

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Warning: Sexual content


One month later ....

Everything seemed to be going back to normal. Packs around the country are accepting the omega's as their own. Most of them have found their mates and some are getting help. What they been through cannot be erased and the best we could do is be there for them.

I travel back to my cabin deep within the woods. We say goodbye to everyone and Roland. Asher along with his mate accepted to be part of Roland's pack. Landon have changed, after everything he's no longer the inoccent omega I first met. He's not only matured but also cannot forgive himself. He thinks he doesn't diserve me as more wolves die around him.

"He didn't diserve to die" he says. I lay him on our bed, holding him in my arms.

"He's a hero baby and I am sure Winter doesn't want you to blame yourself" I replied.

"How can you stay with a monster" said Landon. I gently growled, how can he think like that. I mount over the omega and gently kiss the mating mark.

"Never call yourself a monster, none of this is your fault. You cannot control love baby, those who sacrifice themselves do it out of love. You talked to Winter when he's afraid. You would defend him risking your own life. That made him happy and greatful he could meet an omega like you" I said

"I can't stop the nightmares Rogan, all I see is death and they all blame me even Winter" Landon whimpered. I wiped his tears away and kissed his lips.

"I'll chase your demons away" I said. I pulled my shirt off along with my pants and underwear. He soon stripped laying naked beneathe me. I went down and licked his p*ssy, tasting his juice. The omega threw his head back against the pillows moaning my name.

Spreading his legs wide and begin to suck his c*ck. I lubricate my fingers thrusting it inside his p*ssy then his ass. I lined my c*ck thrust deep into his p*ssy.

"R-Rogan" he moans. I grip the omega's hips and pound into him. The scent of sex filled our room along with his high pitched moans.

"Come on baby, tighten around me c*ck" I whispered.

"Ngh! S-So good" Landon moans. I lift his leg over shoulder and thrust deep into him. He screams climaxing hard as his body trembles.


I stood in a field covered in blood and dead bodies. All I can hear is the screams of the dead. I looked at my hands seeing it coated in blood.

"It's your fault" said Winter.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't want any of this to happen" I replied. Winter chuckled and turned around revealing the bullet wound on his chest, blood continue to pour out.

"If it wasn't for you, my pup would of been born. Joseph and I could of been happy and you destroyed that" said Mary. She stood beside Winter holding her dead baby.

"Guilty!" Everyone chanted. I see my parents yelling guilty along with everyone else. I crumble to the ground and screamed.


"Landon wake up" said Rogan. A awoken up screaming hugging Rogan for dear life. I spread my legs offering my p*ssy.

"No baby, you aren't thinking straight" he says.

"Please make me forget, you said you will" I replied. Rogan thrust his c*ck deep inside my p*ssy, the pleasure consume me completely and my mind went blank. After hours of sex Rogan fell asleep, I didn't to close my eyes afraid to have that dream again.

I touched my flat stomach, I am pregnant and Rogan is the father. I smiled sadly that pup will grow up seeing how horrible parent I am.

The next day Rogan went hunting while I clean the house to distract myself. I lost weight making Rogan worried, I needed to stop stressing as well. I eat the food he's given me, I rest when he tells me to.

No matter how hard I distract myself the nightmares still return. Having sex with Rogan makes it go away, I go into a deep slumber and dream of nothing.

I laid on the floor and closed my eyes allowing darkness to consume me.

Rogan's Omega (ManxMan|Werewolf|Mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now