Chapter Ten

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Warning: Violence


Two weeks later ...

I growled running as fast as I can, chasing after the rogue who entered the pack house. Females roared as they protect their pups, luckily Asher was near by killing one rogue while the other ran away. Roland, a few war wolves and I begin our hunt, Roland demanded the rogue to be alive at all cost.

"He's running towards the river" said Roland through mind link, I howled alerting the war wolves. I am not going to let that wolf get away, he's to either swim across the river or allow the current take him away. My jaws snapped missing his tale by centimetres, the bastard leaped jumping into the rough current. He's allowing the current to take him away, I waisted no time and jumped in as well swimming towards the rogue.

"Run ahead of him" I said to Roland. He nods turning his head and bark at his men.

"This is crazy Rogan, don't die on me" He replied

"As if " I said. My legs and paws are staring to tire out, I kept going determine to capture the rogue. I knew they're after Landon and Dylan, I am thankful Landon wasn't outside playing with the pups. My wolf body crashed against rocks, the rogue seemed to be having trouble keeping himself up. Crashing into a large rock, I ignore the pain and stood on top then quickly jumped landing on the rogue. My sharp teeth dug into his fur, the rogue howled in pain thrashing his head trying to get me off. With the remaining strength I have left I swam towards Roland and the war wolves, they kept running trying to keep up.

"I need some assistance" I said. Seeing Roland shift into his human form, he ran towards a fallen tree. His arm reach down, I lift my head lifting the rogue as high as I can go, then quickly grip his fur pulling the rogue up. The strong current dragged me further down the river, I see one war wolf sprinting in his human form and jump into the water and another war wolf bite down into his arm holding him in place.

"You better swim towards me" he says. I swim as fast as I can trying to not get dragged any further by the current. Finally the wolf held a tight grip on my fur pulling me up and landing on the river bed.

"Let's head back, I'm sure Landon is worried about you" said Roland.


Wolves watched as two war wolves dragged the rogue to the dungeon, they all growled at the rogue as they walked by. Lots of sightings of rogues have been reported, a few were capture while most manage to escape. Roland roughly shove the rogue to sit on the metal chair, the dungeon reeked of death.

"Who do you work for?" asked Roland. The rogue chuckled.

"I work for nobody" he replied looking away from Roland and stared at me.  

"If that's the case then why trespass my land mutt?" Roland asked.

"I have my reasons which I ain't going to tell you" said the rogue. Roland growled and punched the rogue, he hissed in pain and pit blood on the floor.

The rogue smirked staring at me intensely, "Wonder who's with Landon if you aren't by his side" said the rogue. My eyes widen hearing his laugh, I growled ready to charge the rogue until Roland stops me.

"Stand down Rogan" he ordered.

"Watch it Roland, I don't take orders from no one" I responded growling at him.

"You're after Landon, why?" said Roland.

"It find it amazing that you two have no idea how powerful those omega's are" he replied.

"Anyways you're to late Alpha, you should of stayed close to your mate" said the rogue. All of the sudden we heard a loud explosion along with screams coming from upstairs. I grip the rogues hair slamming him to the ground.

"You've mess with the wrong wolf" I said

"Actually Rogan, you've messed with the wrong wolves and it's time to pay the price" he replied. My nails grew sharp and I sliced his neck, I turned ran upstairs with Roland following behind.


Dylan and I sat beside Mary's bed, Joseph walked in carrying a tray of food. I am happy she's nearly healed.

"Stop worrying Landon, Rogan is fine" said Mary. I nodded knowing he's be okay, I couldn't help but worry. I didn't want him to go, with more rogues near border or entering the pack, I fear for his safety afraid if he'll be killed because of me. My parents, pack, everyone died because of me, I don't want anymore deaths.

All of a sudden, Joseph jumped down pulling Mary with him and yelled for us to get down. Everything went in slow motion, all I could hear is a loud explosion and dust filled the room. I yelp in pain feeling something hard hit my leg, to my left I could hear Dylan sobbing in pain.

"M-My b-baby" he screamed. I ignore the pain and crawl towards him, as the dust cleared I saw a large sharp glass pierced in  his stomach.

"Y-You need to calm down, I-I'll stop the bleeding" I said. I grab the blanket and quickly covered the wound.

"Dylan! Landon! are you okay!" Mary said. 

"G-Glass is pierced in his stomach" I said. My whole body is shaking in shock, bloody is everywhere. She quickly rushed to Dylan checking his wound, she was also in shock how bad it is.

"H-He needs to go to the pack hospital asap" she says.

"I-I need to push, m-my pup i-is alive" said Dylan as he weakly lift his head. I could hear cries and screams from other wolves, I tremble in fear, Dylan is injured, everyone is dying and I have no idea if Rogan is alive. Joseph gently held Dylan in his arms, unaware the damage outside he still rushed through the halls.

"We need to leave Landon" said Mary. I nodded holding her hand and followed Joseph, I looked around seeing blood splattered everywhere. Wolves crying over their loved ones that died, pups injured crying for their parents. War wolves rushed to help the injured carrying them to the pack hospital. 

I covered my mouth and begin to cry, "I-I'm so sorry everyone" I sobbed. I couldn't look away, Mary called my name but it's only faint.

"R-Rogues!" wolves yelled. Rogues stormed in growling at everyone, war wolves charged attacking them while everyone tried to get away to safety. Suddenly I hear Mary's cry as I saw the rogue bite down onto her shoulder, she tried to fight back but the wolf thrashed it's head. I shifted into my wolf and charged attacking the wolf to save Mary, Joseph wasn't far behind leaping on top of the rogue.

"There! capture the omega!" someone yelled. More rogues enter the pack pinning Joseph to the ground while Mary collapse barely enough energy to stand.

"Quick the Alpha's are coming!" another yelled. I whimpered in pain, the rogue bite my fur holding me tight and rushed out of the pack house. I thrashed trying to escape, everything is destroyed, people are dead because of me.

"Rogan! " I yelled praying to the moon if he could hear me.

"Get off of me! Landon!" yelled Rogan as he try to fight off the rogues. I howled, the rogue ran further away from the pack house and soon out of Roland's border.

Rogan's Omega (ManxMan|Werewolf|Mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now