Chapter Seven

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Warning: Sexual content


I covered Landon's naked body as he sleep peacefully, I should of fought back control since my wolf wasn't gentle with him. Our rage combined scenting the rogue on Landon, before I knew it my wolf took control wanting to show Landon who he belongs to. My mind wonders thinking who sent the rogue to kidnap Landon and Dylan, what do they want with them?

"R-Rogan?" Landon mumbled. I smiled seeing him rub his tired eyes, my wolf howled in pride seeing hickies covering the omega's body.

"Shhh ... get some sleep, it's still early" I replied gently rubbing his shoulder. After he fell asleep, I went to take a quick shower. After changing I close the door shut making sure to not make any loud sounds, having sex took a toll on him so he needs his rest.

"Good morning" says Roland as I enter the kitchen. He helped the mated she wolves prepare breakfast while their mates are out on patrol. I nod and went to make myself a cup of coffee.

"I see you took my advice" he says. He poured the whisked eggs onto the pan hearing it sizzle and the delicious scent covering the kitchen. I growled, not in the mood for his stupid games, need to prepare breakfast before Landon wakes up.

"You should mark him Rogan" said Roland.

"It's none of your business" I growled. He chuckled.

"Alright I'll stop, oh yeah Mary has awoken so you should let your omega know. He'll want to go visit her, she's going well and Dylan is already there" Roland replied. I carried the tray filled with food Roland prepared, as I enter the room I see my beautiful omega sitting by the window naked. He's so concentrated on the view that he hadn't notice my presence, setting the tray on the bed I cleared my throat to gain his attention.

"Morning" he says. I stared at his naked curved body, I gently growled feeling my c*ck grow hard in my jeans. Landon look down realising his naked self, he squealed and dashed to the bathroom, it's getting hard to control my wolf. Feeling the first knot we had together, I wanted more wanting to fill him with my seed. 

"F*ck" I cursed. Before I knew it, I opened the bathroom door and pull him into my arms, I kissed his soft lips hearing his moans. He's becoming my obsession, it gotten worse after last night, experiencing the first knot just triggers it. He should also sense our mating bond, the more we mate the more stronger it gets. Feeling my teeth grew long and sharp, I have a sudden urge to mark him and make him mine. With my wolf forcing the bond, I am having a hard time to gain some kind of control.

"R-Rogan" he moans. I grip his ass as I deepen the kiss, thrusting my tongue inside his mouth combining with his. I move my hand trailing it down towards his wet p*ssy, I thrust one finger inside of him causing him to scream in pleasure and pain. He's still swollen from last night, for his first time he'll need add least a few days rest. He's not ready for another round, I argue with my wolf telling him our omega isn't ready. I withdrew my finger and gently set him down, Landon looked at me in confusion but I refuse to meet his gaze. I didn't want to force him to have sex with me, it wasn't right even when my wolf craves it.

With that I walked out of the bathroom and our room.


I wince as Rogan slam the doors shut, I did I do something wrong? I couldn't understand why he's angry at me. I didn't understand what I felt last night, it's something I couldn't explain but what I do know is that I liked it. I felt nothing but happiness from my wolf, he seemed happy spending time with Rogan.

I wiped the tears away, I didn't want Rogan to be mad at me, maybe it's because I am an omega since omega's are different from an average wolf. I let my mind wonder, letting it give me doubts that Rogan may not want me anymore.

Could it be because of last night?

After showering I changed and decided to go visit Mary, I hope she's doing okay or hopefully she's awoken. I shyly smiled at other wolves, they politely greeted me as I walk by and even the pups are starting to get use to me. Arriving at the pack's medical centre, I gently knock on the door where Mary is resting.

"Come in" Joseph said.

"Good morning" I greeted. I smiled seeing Mary sitting eating her breakfast, quickly I stood beside her checking her wounds to see if the doctor done a proper job. When I first met Mary, I instantly felt comfortable and I couldn't understand why. I then knew she had a motherly vide I knew to well, she minded me of my mother. Her gently nature, her natural beauty she reminds me so much of her that I crave the motherly love I soon lost.

"I am glad to see you both uninjured" she says.

"I-If it w-wasn't for you, I-I don't know what would of h-happened to us" I replied.

"Thank you" I said. She smiled.

"I won't let those filthy rogues capture you two, make sure you stay close to your mate" she replied. That word she spoke of, I always hear it from Rogan and Roland. When I try to ask Rogan what mate means he refuses to tell me and I always hear but never understood what it meant.

"Rogan said I am his mate but I don't know what it means, I always ask him but he never tells me" I said.

"It's a shame he didn't teach you Landon, it's best he tells you himself. There might be a reason why he won't tell you the meaning, he might not be ready so be patient" she replied.

Rogan's Omega (ManxMan|Werewolf|Mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now