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Months later ....

"Landon, you shouldn't be walking around" Rogan says. I glared at him and turn back facing the memorial stone.

"Alright everyone, my water broke an hour ago and soon you guys can meet our baby boy. Rogan and I decided to name him Winter, So Winter you get to meet Winter Jr. very soon" I said. Rogan helped me to my feet, I stopped nearly dropping to the ground and I felt my first contraction. Quickly Rogan picked me up and rushed towards the car, our bags and baby bag were already in the car.

"H-Hurry" I whimpered.

"Just breathe baby, remember what the midwife says" Rogan replies.

"I-I didn't think it'll be this painful" I whined. Rogan chuckled. Due to my mixed gender, I couldn't have a natural birth which isn't an issue for me. All I want is Winter Jr to be delivered safely, I grip the car seat and groan in pain.

"I-It h-hurts so b-bad" I cried. Once we arrived, nurses and doctors were ready to take me in, Rogan placed me on a wheelchair and followed behind me. The omega's offered to place our bags in our personal hospital room.

"I'm scared" I whimpered. Rogan kissed my head.

"I'm here baby, you can do it" he says. I felt something sharp poke my skin, they asked if I can feel them tap my toes and I answered no. A few minutes later a loud cry echo throughout the room, the scent of blood and my pup filled the air. Rogan cut the cord as the nurses took Winter Jr to clean and change him.

"Congratulations, it's a healthy baby boy" says the doctor. After the doctors do their job I am placed in the room recovering. I felt so exhausted and tired that I didn't know how long I fell asleep, it felt like I hadn't slept for days or weeks. I opened my eyes to a beautiful scene, Rogan holding his sleeping son in his arms, he gently touched Winter's small hand. I didn't want to interrupt a beautiful moment between father and son.

"Hey baby, you look a lot better after that nap" he says. I smiled.

"How is he?" I asked.

"He finish his first bottle two hours ago, he should be due for another one soon" Rogan replies. He handed me our beautiful son, he look so fragile in my arms.

"Welcome to the world Winter" I whispered. Hearing a knock on the door, Rogan went to open the door. Roland, Asher, Susan, Dylan/his pup, Mary and Joseph enter the room, they were excited to see Winter Jr.

"He looks so cute" said Mary. I smiled. Cameron, Dylan's pup became curious, he gently placed him on the bed as he shuffle to my side staring at Winter Jr.

"Ba ba" he says, Looking at Dylan with his finger pointing at Winter.

"Good boy Cam, he's a little baby" Dylan replied. When everyone took turns holding sleeping Winter, he finally had enough screaming his head off. Rogan handed me his fresh milk, he instantly lacked on drinking his meal.

"Cameron, don't touch baba" said Roland.

"Da da (dad) ... Ba ba (baby)" Cameron replied. He looked upset with Roland, Cameron didn't like being told what to do.


One year later ....

"Winter, watch papa" I said to Winter. I picked the flowers from the ground and placing them around the memorial stone. Winter is more interest playing with dirt than picking some flowers, he learnt a few words but still mumbles sounds when he speaks to us.

"Papa" said Winter as he showed a handful of dirt.

"Winter, no playing with the dirt" Landon scolded. Winter's lip trembled, he didn't like Landon being angry at him.

"Wuahhh!" he cried. Landon quickly picked up our son, trying to calm him down.

"No crying baby, dirty is yucky ... okay" Landon says.

"Let's head inside, he's due for his snap" I said. We all walk back to our cabin, his bedroom is filled with different colours and his toy box filled with toys. I changed his nappy (diaper) while Landon prepare his bottle. I gently laid Winter in his cot, I gave him is stuffed wolf, he likes to hug it in his sleep.

"He's growing so quick" said Landon

"I know, want him to stay small and cubby forever" I replied. We sat in on the couch watching the view, my husband cuddled to my side with a cup of hot chocolate.

"I don't want to isolate Winter" Landon says.

"He won't be baby, he soon learn the importance about being an omega when he's older" I replied.

"I love you Rogan" said Landon. I smiled.

"I love you to the moon Landon" I replied.

Rogan's Omega (ManxMan|Werewolf|Mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now