Chapter 14

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"The beach," Jack blurted out before clapping a hand over his mouth, as though horrified he'd said anything.

Rose blinked at him, her gaze flicking between both of them.  "That's nothing to yell about," she said quietly.

"We didn't mean to disturb you," The Doctor insisted.  "We'll... Jack and I, we have some issues to sort out, I'm sure you know that."

She cocked an eyebrow at him, the silence settling between them all, the Doctor holding Rose's eyes.  She was staring him down, and it was clear that any fight between the two of them would be forfeited to her.  "You have issues about the beach?"

"And Satellite Five," Jack said.  He glanced between the Doctor and Rose.  "I'm not even going to pretend it was an accident that I said that."

"Jack," The Doctor huffed out, exasperated.  Jack shrugged.

Rose stiffened at the mention of Satellite Five.  "Doctor, what's going on?"

"We don't need to talk about this right now," the Doctor said gently, leaning forward to touch her cheek.  "I promise, we don't."




Rose pulled away from the Doctor, anger snapping behind her eyes.  "Fine, don't tell me what's going on," she said harshly, and started to shift to lay down on the bed.  The Doctor panicked and surged forwards, catching her before she could move.  "Please stay still," he pleaded with her.  

"Why were you talking about the beach and Satellite Five?  Those days don't even go together!" Rose shouted, and the Doctor winced at her tone.  

Jack got as close to the bed as he could, pressing his knees against the bars as he squatted down.  "Rose, the Doctor and I have a lot of differences.  Something happened on Satellite Five that you wouldn't fully understand."

"Oh, just a stupid human, yeah?" Rose looked away from them.  "Maybe you two should be put in a cell together so you can tell more secrets."

"Rose, that's not fair," the Doctor said, his tone growing almost whiny.  Rose wrenched away from him and laid down quickly before he could stop her.  "Rose, please." He reached out and touched her shoulder.  

"No, no, Doctor, if you'd like to continue your big, manly discussion, please don't mind me," she started maneuvering around to get the covers over her, and the Doctor sprung to help.  He pulled the dingy sheets over her curled up form. 

"Rose?" He asked, his hand stroking her shoulder. 

"I'm gonna sleep, if we need to get the TARDIS soon," Rose said softly, her voice now more resigned.  

"Well, I'm going to need to sleep tonight, too, if I want proper energy," the Doctor pointed out.

Rose was silent, both the Doctor and Jack staring at her.  She sighed heavily, her shoulders heaving with the motion.  "Crawl in when you're tired," she said finally.  

He breathed out a breath that he hadn't known he was holding.  Leaning over, he pressed a gentle kiss just under her eye.  "Goodnight, Rose."

She grumbled to him and burrowed deeper under the covers.  The Doctor sat down against the bed and sighed heavily.  When he looked over, Jack was staring at him, an expectant look on his face.

"What?" The Doctor mouthed.

Jack waggled his eyebrows and did an obscene gesture back to him.  The Doctor rolled his eyes but still couldn't bear to turn around and look at Rose in the moment.  

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