Chapter 26

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Rose woke up with the Doctor gripping her tightly to himself, spooned up behind her, his face buried in her hair.  She felt incredibly safe, with him there behind her, clutching her as though he'd never see her again.  

His chest rising and falling against her back and his heartbeats against her skin told her that he felt calm and content.  Humming to herself, she cuddled back against him, and he shifted, holding her closer, his fingers splaying across her stomach.  He grumbled a little and gave her a sloppy kiss that made her giggle. 

It was not lost on her that he was sleeping, that he was comfortable enough to sleep, that he wanted to sleep behind her.  Their legs were tangled together, and if Rose had been a little less awake she wouldn't be able to tell where he ended and she began.  

Feeling a little deprived since she couldn't see his face, she turned over, grinning to herself when she heard his whimper of protest and how he wouldn't let her go.  Finally, she was facing him, his nose brushing hers with how tightly he was gripping her in his sleep.  She smiled and slid her arms under his, wrapping around his waist.  

"I love you," she whispered softly, rubbing her fingers lightly across his back.  He was warm, warmer than he usually was, and she reveled in the touch, enjoying the gentle intimacy that was passing between them.  His breath tickled her mouth and she had to resist strongly to lean forward and kiss him, now that it was allowed.  

She wasn't sure if it was simply his jealousy that had made the decision for him to finally do what he did, to bond with her, to stay at her side in their bed.  When Rowina said they would be spending the night together, she wasn't exactly expecting this.  Though, she wasn't exactly complaining either.  She closed her eyes and focused on her mind, on the mental barriers she now knew she had.  In the back of her head was the TARDIS, singing happily and making her smile, but in front of her was the Doctor, a peaceful presence, obviously sleeping and very, very calm.  

Rose pulled back before he could feel her and wake up, wanting to let him have the sleep he had obviously needed.  Of course, he probably hadn't slept in a while, worrying about her, and what he thought he had to do.  He was a foolish man, Rose realized, but she loved him so endlessly.  She let herself drift happily back off to sleep, hoping the next time she woke he would be there to greet her. 

As it were, the Doctor didn't have as much self control as Rose did, waking her with a warm, lingering kiss on her cheek.  He slowly kissed down to her neck and made Rose wrinkle her nose and giggle.  He chuckled against her throat and came up to look her in the face as her eyes fluttered open.  He was looking at her with such openness and love that she could hardly stand it.  

There were no words of greeting, only the Doctor leaning forward to greedily kiss her mouth.  She opened her mind and mouth to him immediately as though she had always done so.  Their essences tangled together as they had the night before and the Doctor's hand flexed against her back, pulling her ever closer.  He finally separated and pressed his forehead against hers.  He pulled his hand up from under the covers to stroke her hair back from her face.  

"This is..." he said thoughtfully, trailing off and laughing, "This is, by far, the best morning I have ever had."

"Me too," she agreed, stroking her thumb across his bottom lip.  She grinned at him.  "You're not being weird."


"Well, you're not," she said, "I thought for sure you'd be weird this morning."

"I promise I won't be weird, this morning or any," he said with conviction, making her smile.  He nudged her nose with his.  "I love you."

"I love you," she whispered, hardly able to believe that she could give those words to him properly.  It was liberating and she could hardly believe it.  Her face broke out into a huge smile.  "I love you." 

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