Utterly and Hoplessly in Love

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My breath is taken out if my mouth when he walks onto the stage. The world around him goes black as I gaze into his dark grey eyes. Our eyes met for but a moment, but it's enough for me to fall in love.

"Effie, darling are you alright?" Mother asks. She sits next to me, father is on the other side of her. His eyes fixed on the men on stage. It takes me a moment to realize I was twirling my long golden wavy hair

"Oh yes, I'm fine." I disentangle my finger and straiten my back. Keeping my eyes on the blonde boy from district twelve. Haymitch Abernathy.

I can see my mother giving me an odd look out of the corner of my eye, and I know she is worried I have a crush on him. I don't have a crush on him. I love him. I listen intently as he talks and my heart rejoices when Mr. Abernathy says some Capitol girls are cute and winks at me. I giggle sheepishly and can feel the blush grow across my freckled face. He looks at me about three times before Caesar says its time for him to go.

After Caesar announces all the interviews are done and tells us all to go home I excuse myself from my family and buy a poster with Haymitch on it. He has a serious look in his eyes and a small smirk on his lips. My heart flutters as I look at it and then drops when I hear a voice behind me, "Want it signed, sweetheart?" I turn around and see him looking at me. He has a small smile on his face and he looks kind. I nod and he takes the poster and signs it.

"See ya round sweetheart." I watch him walk away and be covered in people. I look down at what he wrote.

"May the odds be ever in your favor. With love, Haymitch Abernathy." My heart sky rockets when I read 'love' and does a back flip that he wrote that word in gold rather than the silver the rest of it is in. I walk to my mother and father and we drive home. Once we get there my mother says something that terrifies me.

"We have been invited to have dinner with the tributes of district twelve. You will be seated next to Mr.Abernathy."

"Wa-wa-wa-what?" I stammer. My mouth half open.

"Effie Trinket stand up straight, speak clearly, close your mouth." My mother chastises.

"Sorry." I say as I walk to my room. I plop down on my bed happy I can be myself here. I grab my diary from my dresser and open it. In it I write,

"Dear diary,

Today was the best day of my life! I met the most wonderful man. His name is Haymtich. He signed a poster that said love. Made my day.

Ta for now,

Eff. "

I hop up realizing I need to change. He cant see me in the same outfit. I run over to my closet and grab all the clothes I own and throw them on my bed. I look at all the things I own and think, I have NOTHING TO WEAR!! I scan my clothes for what must be 10 minutes. I decide on two. The first one is a blue silk gown that goes down to my ankles it has white lace around the bottom and sleeves. The second is a pink sun dress that has beautiful pink flowers all over it and a sash that has a pink bow. I hold them both up in front of me one at a time. I decide on the sun dress, the blue one is to formal and I don't want to look like I'm trying to hard. I slip on the dress then head to the bathroom to do my makeup. I run my fingers along my many lipsticks until I find a peach color. Then I find my light green and pink eye shadow and apply it. After that I apply a light coat of blush and mascara. I look at my nails and all the polish has chipped off, well that certainly wont cut it. I find my pink and green nail polish and apply it, I use the pole that is supposed to dry you off after a shower and my fingers dry instantly.

I grab my hair brush and detangle my hair. I grab a rubber band and tie up my hair. But what if he doesn't like it up? I quickly take it out. He's never seen it up though. I tie it back up. It is a little chilly outside. I put it down. But I do have those new earrings I love. I tie back up. EFFIE get a hold of yourself put it down and leave it there. I do as I thought and smile at my looks. I walk back to my bed and plop down. I stare at Haymitch's poster on my wall. There is a knock at my door.

The Untold Story Of Effie Trinket and Haymitch AbernathyWhere stories live. Discover now