Chapter 12

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 I smiled wide as I came backstage after the concert. The guys had already performed so I was after them. As I came back I ran into my manger.

"Nova,we got a call from your mother," he said with pain in his voice.

"Yeah what is it?"

"Your dad...he unfortunately passed away this morning."

My eyes widened and I instantly felt terrible. My manger patted my back and walked off leaving me alone in silence.I stood there for about ten minutes until I heard someone come up behind me. Looking back,I saw it was Daniel.

"We have not talked for a while."

I nodded not wanting to talk. Honestly, I did not want to be around anybody or be talked too.

"Jessa,I am really sorry about what happened..If you need to talk to anybody I am right here," he said rubbing my shoulder.

"Thanks Daniel..I think I will be okay..I should have know that this was gonna happen," I said stepping back a bit.

He sighed and nodded like he was giving up on trying to comfort me. Daniel then walked off and went into a room.I pulled out my phone and immediately called my mom hoping that this was all just a practical joke to get me to come home. It rung for a bit until someone had answered.


"Mom..tell me this is just a joke...please I am begging you to tell me," I said starting to cry.

"I am sorry Jessa but it is not a joke...he had a stroke," she struggled to say.

"Thanks mom..I will be coming home not worry."

I quickly hung up,not wanting to talk to her anymore.I could not believe it. This was probably harder on me than my sister since I was a daddy's girl and she was a mommy's girl. I slowly sat on the floor in the long hallway.


"What do you want Charles?" I asked annoyed.

"I wanted to say I am sorry about your dad and how much of a jerk I have been."

Turning to him glaring,I stood up and clenched my fists. Charles just watched me confused.

"How dare you! You are only apologizing because you feel bad!"

He then started to laugh and held his stomach. I then made my way over to him and slapped him hard.The sound of my hand hitting his cheek echoed throughout the hallway we were in.

"You are a terrible person you know that?!" I yelled.

"I am trying to apologize for being one!" he screamed back.

I then heard a door open and the others walked out of the dressing room they were in. I rolled my eyes and turned around heading back to the stage which by the lights were most likely off. I could faintly hear them following me. After a bit of going through rooms and such,I got to the stage. It was pitch black and silent. This is what I needed right now,was to be alone in my thoughts in the darkness. I sat where it was the blackest and sighed. The boys were standing by the side looking around for me. I honestly did not care about anything at the moment.Daniel slowly made his way through over to me.

"I can see you Jessa," he said sitting next to me.

I stayed silent hoping that he thought he found me but he really did not. Daniel placed his hand on my shoulder and I stiffened up.

"See.What did I tell you? I have better vision than any of them," he said gesturing to the rest of the band.

"What do you want Daniel?" I whispered looking at my lap.

"Why did you slap Charles? He did not do anything."

"Yes he did! How about you leave me alone too? I do not want jerks like you and Charles around me."

I quickly stood up and walked to the side where the others were. Matthew watched me as I pushed past them.This was a terrible idea,I wish I had never agreed to do this.I wish I had never met them in general. Making my way towards my manager, I bumped into Callie.

"Oh hello dear," she said frowning.

"I am guessing you heard about my dad," I whispered calming down.

She nodded and hugged me.I hugged her back and started to cry again. I have said this before,but I will say this again she was like a mom to me. This is one of the reasons why.She comforted me and made me feel happy.Although making me happy right now was gonna be hard. 

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