Chapter 6

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We sat in the van silent. Charles and I was supposed to go on a date but he hadn't said anything about it and we were on the road already for the next city. I glanced over at Matthew and smiled. He had his earbuds in and was mouthing the words to a song. I then looked over at Daniel and he was reading a book.I moved closer to him and looked over his shoulder.

"What are you reading?" I whispered.

"It is a how to book," he whispered too still reading his book.

I nodded and scooted away.For the rest of the ride we were all silent. When we got there it was dark out and we were all complaining how tired or hungry we were.We finally got to our hotel and immediately made our way inside. I got my room key and went upstairs with my personal bag. Deciding to take the stairs,Matthew decided to follow me.

"I will come with you.It is gonna be a long walk."

"Yeah but I am used to going up a lot," I said making my way up.

Matthew and I stayed silent half way up.I honestly didn't like the silence so I decided to break it.

"Do you think Charles likes me?"

"It seems like it but I do not know."

"He wanted to go on a date today," I whispered stopping.

He nodded and stopped with me,barely out of breath. After about two minutes,I started to walk up again.

"Charles is probably waiting for you then."

"Maybe but we do not know."

Soon enough we reached the top and walked into the hallway of our rooms. It was completely empty and quiet. Seems like he was not waiting for me,sadly.

"I will see you later okay?"

"Okay.Thanks for walking up the stairs with me."

Matthew smiled and walked off leaving me alone.I sighed quietly and walked into my hotel room. Inside,Charles was standing there in a nice dress shirt and jeans.He had styled his blonde hair different and he was holding a rose.I smiled and made my way over to him.Charles held the rose out and I took it.

"I take it you think I forgot about me asking you out?"

"I did," I said glancing down at our shoes.

He grabbed my hand and lead me over to the table in the corner. It was decorated with candles and had two plates of pizza with two glasses of soda.

He pulled my chair out and I sat. Charles sat across from me and smiled. We then started to eat in silence.

"I saw something on a magazine early"

"What was it?" I asked curiously.

"A picture of us walking out of the stadium..holding hands."

My eyes widened. This was bad.Since the paparazzi caught us they'll be making up stories and such knowing them.

"We will have to make an announcement that it was friendly," I commented.

"Okay,but.."he said staring off.



Charles stood up,his plate clear and only a little bit of soda in his glass. I sigh and stand up as well.He smiled and kissed my forehead.

"I'm only leaving because I can tell you're tired."

I nodded and rubbed my eyes.He was right,I was pretty tired from being in the car all day. He hugged me and left,locking the bottom lock before closing the door. I smiled and cleaned up a bit before going to my room.The room was smaller than I was used to.I quickly changed and laid down on the queen sized bed. 

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