Chapter 3

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Harry sits in the kitchen for at least five minutes arguing with his mom when Robin finally speaks up. "Stop, Harry think about what you said, just for a second. We were sitting here joking around planning a nice dinner out. She never said anything bad about you NOT having talent, she was just surprised you sang. You were the one who took it the wrong way." He stresses. "I know you have a hard time trusting people unless you've known them for a long time or they're family, I get it. But damnit she's not Becky. And it's time you realize that." Robin says slamming his hand on the bar.

Harry does what Robin said and realizes he's right. He did it again. Compares Jamie to Becky knowing damn well they're nothing alike. Harry runs up stairs to, what he conciders, their room and finds it empty. "Mom can you look down there for her she's not up here." Harry yells as he throws on a shirt and makes his way back down stairs. Half way down he hears his mom scream and he takes off running. He runs outside and sees his mom point. Harry looks in that direction just as Debra throw a punch causing Jamie's head to vilently snap back. Harry let's out a roar and sprints toward them, the girls holding Jamie up drop her and step back. Debra looks down in horror as Jamie lays on the ground, at her feet shaking uncontrollably.

When Harry reaches Jamie he's sees the damage done and falls to his knees. He sees his mom run up and he cries. "Oh God mom what do I do?"

"Nothing son, an ambulance is on its way. Just talk to her, let her hear your voice." Anne stresses to him.

Debra is standing there staring at Harry in shock. She's never seen him like this. He's always been this tough, bad ass. Cursing his way though class, bullying everyone that's not his friend. Yeah he dates but he treats all his girlfriends like objects to be used then discarded when he's done. This isn't the Harry everyone knows. Deb doesn't know what this girl did to cause this type of change in him but it must have been huge.

Harry is on his knees whispering to Jamie, damn near sobbing at the way she looks. In the two days he's known her he's cried more than he has in his entire life. He doesn't get why this tiny little girl can pull emotions out of him he doesn't know he has, hell it's not like he's in love with her. Suddenly Harry freezes, he stops talking, breathing, hell he doesn't think he even hears anything. Wow, he's in love with Jamie. He actually loves her, that's why all these emotions are bubbling up.
Harry looks up at his mom, and it's almost as if she can read his mind, she just nods and smiles. And he knows she sees it too. Just then the ambulance and cops pull up to take charge. While Anne explains to the cops what she saw when she came outside, Harry tells the paramedics what he knows of Jamie's medical history.
Once they get Jamie loaded into the back of the ambulance, they allow a distraught Harry ride along, Anne and Robin follow in their car. Anne sends a text to Ed and Louis telling them what has happened, 10 minutes later they, along with Liam and Niall, arrive at the hospital to see what's going on. Just as Anne finishes telling the boys what happen the doctor walks through the doors, Harry's the first on his feet.

"Well, let me tell you this. She may be small, but that is one tough little lady you have in there." The ER doc tells them. "We ran every test known to man on her just to make sure she's ok. She has a small laceration on her kidney, which will heal on its own, she has a sprained wrist, but other than all the bruising, she's fine." He tells them all. "Now which one of you fine gentleman here is Harry?"

Harry steps forward. "I am."

"Thought so, being as you were the first one out of your seat. Come with me, she is having a fit. Something about a promise. I thought I was gonna have to tie her in her bed, the only thing keeping her in it right now is me telling her I would come get you." The doc chuckles. "Now I'll let you stay with her all night if you promise to keep her in that bed, she can go home tomorrow."

Harry nods. "Yes sir, I can do that." As they are approaching Jamie's room they could hear her screaming. Harry takes off running. When he enters he room there are four nurses trying to hold her down and they are having a hard time doing it. He rushes to her side and grabs her hand. "Hey, hey. Babe, calm down."
As soon as Jamie hears Harry's voice she slumps into the bed and automatically reaches for his hair. Not caring about the nurses or rules he crawl into the bed with her so she can a better grip on his hair and pulls her closer so he can whisper the words he knows she's waiting to hear. "Shh babe it's okay, I've got you." As soon as those words are out Jamie sighs and totally relaxes. A few seconds later Harry feels a tap on his arm, when he looks up one of the nurses is standing there with a smile on her face.

"We couldn't get her to take one of these pain pills, I don't like the idea of her suffering. Do you think you could?" The nurse offers the white pill to him.

Harry nods and takes the pill from her. "Jamie, open up, babe. Please."

For the first time since he entered the room Jamie looks at him. "What is it?"

"Something for pain. Just take it babe I don't like seeing you hurt this much." Harry says as he holds the pill to her lips.

Jamie opens her mouth to allow Harry to place to pill on her tongue he then turns and takes the water from the nurse and offers that to Jamie, once she took the meds she lays her head back down, hand still in Harry's hair and drifts off the sleep.

Anne quietly slips into the room holding her son and Jamie. Walking up to the bed she smiles at what she sees, Harry holding this small girl so close like his afraid she might disappear, and Jamie hanging onto his hair like it's her lifeline. The first time Anne saw this little slip of a girl, the way her son looks at her, his interaction with her, hell even the way she got along with his damn dog, she just knew, she was going to be important to Harry. As a mother she never liked the he way changed after the Becky episode. He was always so loving and caring, but that girl hurt him so badly he turned into someone she doesn't recognize, even his friends were worried for the longest time. Maybe now, with Jamie, they can get the old Harry back. Anne walks up and places her hand on his arm. When he looks up at her she whispers, so not to wake the resting girl beside him.
"Robin, the boys and I are going to head home. I'll come back tomorrow with clothes, for both of you, so we can take her home. Louis, Liam, Niall, and Ed said they would come to the house and move all of Jamie's things to your room so she, or you, won't have to worry about that."

Harry nods slowly. "Thanks mom." He whispers. "Hey, mom. Love you, you know that right?"

Anne leans down and kisses his forehead. "Of course. Love you too son. I'll see you both in the morning."

After his mom leaves Harry turns and looks at the girl sleeping beside him. Even with her face bruised as badly as it is she is still the most beautiful person he's ever seen. He can't understand why this keeps happening to her, she is so sweet, and deserves all the kindness this world is willing to give. He vows to himself, and silently to her, he will keep he safe for now on. Nobody will hurt her again if he can help it. He loves her. She may not know it yet but she will eventually. Harry thought as he too drifts off to sleep.

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