Chapter 11

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Most of the next day Harry, Jamie and Annie sit around the table planning the wedding. By the time Jamie needs to start supper they have most of the important details ironed out, so Jamie leaves mother and son to continue without her so she can do her thing in the kitchen. Once she gets started she realizes how much she's missed cooking and how long it's been since she's done it, but she has decided to cook one of her parent's favorite meals so it's one she done so many times she can do it with her eyes closed.

Two hour later Harry leans back in his chair, stretches and takes a deep breath. "Oh wow, mom you smell that?" He asks.

Anne sniffs and smiles. "Goodness, if what she's cooking tastes as good as it smells, we are eating good tonight."

Harry chuckles. "Yeah, the others better get here soon or I'm eating without them." He laughs, but as soon as he finishes the statement he hears the door open and his friends loud voices coming toward him.

"Damn I hope she's almost done in there and it's as good as it smells." Niall says rubbing his stomach.

"Did she cook it all on her own?" Liam asks loudly joking with Jamie.

"Fuck you, Liam." Jamie yells. "I heard that you ass." She sasses walking into the room with them.

Anne chuckles. "She was all alone. Harry and I have been right here planning the wedding while she was in there cooking."

"Damn right." Jamie says. "And it's done, so if you want to help set the table and carry everything in here, follow me." She says, returning to the kitchen.

By the time they got everything on the table and were finally able to sit down Harry's mouth is watering from the delicious smells floating around. "God this smells so good." He groans.

Once everyone's plate was full they just look at it like they're afraid it's poisoned. Jamie just shakes her head and digs into hers and so does Leanne and Anne. Harry picks his fork up, takes a small bite to taste what was on his plate, his eyes snaps shut and he groans. He jumps up and grabs Jamie's hand and pulls her out of her seat.

"What?" She yelps out startled.

"Be right back." Harry tells everyone and just pulls her into the kitchen. Once in there he spins her around and pins her to one wall and kisses her. It isn't like their usual kisses either this is a "I want you in bed right now" type of kiss. He's putting everything he has in this kiss. When he finally pulls back he puts his forehead to hers.

"What was that for? Not that I minded. Just not expected." Jamie smiles as brushes Harry's hair back off his cheek.

"That food is the best I've ever eaten and I needed to let you know how much I appreciated you cooking it for us." Harry tells her.

"A simple thanks it's good would have worked." Jamie smiles.

"Not what I was feeling at the moment." Harry chuckles.

"Well food is getting cold." She reminds him.

"Don't matter it will still be the best I've ever eaten." He says walking back into the dining room.

"Feel better?" Anne smirks.

"Much." Harry deadpans.

Jamie just smiles and winks at Harry making him smile and start eating again.

"So, Leanne, when we go back to school are you going to start sitting with us to keep Jamie company." Harry asks. "It's kinda nice having a female influence at our table."

Jamie looks at her new friend and nods. Leanne smiles. "Sure, I guess I can. I always sat alone anyway."

"Well not anymore." Liam says. "You have us now."

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